WEDNESDAY, 4/25/2024

A. 3 rounds NFT of: 30 second battle rope 45 second hand stand hold 60 second plank 75 second wall sit B. Amrap 22 minutes 10 push ups 10 total single arm db/kb jerks, medium heavy (25/40) 10 knees to elbows 300m run (375m row/ski, 900m bike)...

WEDNESDAY, 4/24/2024

A. 10 to 15 minutes to find a heavy clean and jerk. B. Max reps or calories in 4 minutes on each station 1. Clean and jerks (50-55% of today’s heavy) 2. Calorie Row, ski or bike 3. Burpees. No rest between exercises. C. 3 sets of 10 barbell roll outs or 10 ghd sit ups    ...

MONDAY, 4/22/2024

Part A: every minute for 7 minutes 2 bench press 80-85% Part B: every minute for 10 minutes 4 total single leg kb/db deadlifts, heavy (2x 16/24) 4 kb/db deadlifts do both of the single legs and the regular deadlifts every minute Part C: amrap 9 minutes 7 pull ups 35 double unders or 70 single...

SATURDAY, 4/20/2024

A. Partner Tabata (alternating movements) 1. Battle rope & v- ups 2. Bike & skierg 3. Wall balls & toes to bars 4. Burpees & double or single unders 5. Box jumps & dumbbell push press (2x 15/20/25/30) B. Partner AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 1 rope climb, 4 strict pull ups or 7 ring rows 5 deadlifts (145/205) While one parter does the round, second partner holds the plank position.        ...

FRIDAY, 4/19/2024

Part A: find 1 rep max power snatch and/or power clean Part B: 20 minute cap 5 rounds 12 sit ups 24ft handstand walk or 4 wall walks 12 box jumps rest 2 minutes 5 rounds 5 handstand push ups 5 burpees 20 weighted russian twists...
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