Sunday, 10/2/2022

Burpee Challenge: Day 94 MOIRA Buy-In: 911 meter RunThen, 13 Rounds of:10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65 lb)4 Shoulder-to-Overheads (95/65 lb)6 Front Squats (95/65 lb)7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-UpsCash-Out: 13 calorie Bike Hero WOD CARSE Background: This workout is dedicated to Police Officer Moira Ann Smith who died on September 11, 2001. She was the only female member of the NYPD to die on 9/11. Officer Moira was one of the first officers to respond to the attacks on the World Trade Center. Witnesses would describe her as stoically providing direction in the midst of chaos, saving countless lives by guiding them to safety. Her bravery was captured in a photo showing her helping a wounded man escape Tower 2 before she returned to the burning building to help others. Moira prevented mass hysteria and crowded exits by ‘directing traffic’ with a flashlight at the ground floor of World Trade Center Tower Two. Today, survivors remember ‘the woman with the flashlight’ with extreme gratitude and appreciation, for her service not only undoubtedly saved thousands of lives, but also restored some semblance of order and control in the midst of complete and utter chaos. For her actions that day she would be posthumously awarded the NYPD Medal of...

MONDAY, 5/6/2024

Part A: every minute for 7 minutes 2 bench press 85-90% Part B: every minute for 7 minutes 20 total single arm db/kb rows, light (15/20) Part C: amrap 15 minutes 30 walking lunges 18ft handstand walk or 3 wall...

THURSDAY, 5/2/2024

Part A: every minute for 6 minutes 3-4 deadlifts 70-75% Part B: one round, not for time do all of these in any order you like 400m run 500m row 500m ski 1200m bike 100 double unders or 200 singles 30 burpees Part C: grace 30 clean and jerks (95/135)  ...
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