Friday, 1/31/2020

A. Take 10-15 minutes to work on muscle up progressions B. “Buckle up” In 5 minutes: 200 feet walking lunges (no weight) 50 abmat sit ups Max calorie row or bike Rest 5 minutes In 5 minutes 100 feet front rack DB walking lunges (35/50) 50 abmat sit ups Max calorie row or bike Rest 5 minutes In 5 minutes 200 feet walking lunges (no weight) 50 abmat sit ups Max calorie row or...

Thursday, 1/30/2020

The fastest female time registered for Fran is 2:30 by Mariela Loaiza. The fastest male time registered for Fran is 1:47 by Zac Hare. A. Your goal is to beat their Fran times doing: 21-15-9 of: Air squats Push ups B. In 10 minutes 1-2-3-4….. of: Kettlebell swings (16/24) Strict hand stand push ups (one abmat max) Toes to bar If you can’t do hspu, please use an empty bar and do strict presses from behind your...

Wednesday, 1/29/2020

A. Overhead squats 5-4-3-2-1-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Last single should be 85-90% Load and then de load 5 to 10 lbs after each set. B. For time: 20 hang power snatches (55/75) 20 burpees over the bar 20 hang power snatches 15 burpees over the bar 20 hang power snatches 10 burpees over the bar 20 hang power snatches 5 burpees over the...

Tuesday, 1/28/2020

A. NFT 10-8-6-4-2 of: Overhead stationary lunges, total (65/95) (80/115) 2-4-6-8-10 of: Bench press (medium to heavy) B. Buy in: 500 meter row 3 rounds of: 10 single arm kettlebell thrusters, 5 each arm (16/24) 30 double unders 40 abmat sit ups Cash out: 1200 meter...
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