Friday, 7/17/2015 WOD

Squat clean and Jerk 3+2@60%; 3+2@70%, 2×1@75% at 35 past the hour “Tabata” (rest 1 minute between exercises) row for calories ring rows jumping squats pushups Warm up: 500 meter row Dynamic stretch Hip and shoulder mobility Shane 47/5/10/7 Jeff 48/9/11/8 Heather 46/8/12/7 Noel 41/5/8/4 Cynthia 40/5/10/8 3D 46/8/10/8 Mayra 35/6/10/6 Vero 48/8/6/10 Adriana 45/10/15/7 Mensch 80/8/11/12 Ray 47/5/7/8 Gonzo 51/8/8/7 Andrew 70/8/10/10 Caroline 40/5/7/6 Kellyn 40/6/19/7 T2 41/10/10/8 Juarez 51/7/12/5 Guru 63/7/12/5 Bryan 63/5/12/5 Michi 37/9/8/5 Vicki 34/10/12/8 Rochelle 38/5/9/5 Vince 62/5/12/7 Andy 50/6/9/8 Susan 39/5/6/5 Herman 66/6/10/7 Strength: JMac...

Thursday, 7/16/2015 WOD

EMOM for 10 minutes of: 2 back squats at 80-85% of your 1 RM rest 3 minutes 3 rounds of: 10 Romanian deadlifts, with 50% of your back squat weight today 200 meter run 30 stick jumps, total Warm up: 400 meter run Dynamic stretch Hip mobility Shane 155/75/20:36 Heather 145/85/21:01 mod Karen 105/55/22:27 Stacey 135/75/20:30 Vicki 105/65/20:25 Andrew 275/135/21:12 Gonzo 185/135/20:44 Ray 155/95/24:41 Maiya 155/30/19:16 Shawn 225/115/19:52 Shannon 115/55/20:25 Roberto 205/115/20:26 mod Ruth 130/70/21:02 Jake 135 Bryan 225/115/20:34 Phil 165/85/22:41 Cait 75/35/21:33 Dani 75/35/26:21 Adrian 155/75/19:14 Jessi 95/65/23:09 Alissa 135/85/22:37 CQ 135/85/23:23 Herman 165/85/21:13 Susan 85/45/22:42 Brook...

Wednesday, 7/15/2015 WOD

3-3-3-3-3 of power snatch First set of 3 should be at 50% of workout weight at 40 past the hour 4 rounds of: 10 overhead squats (65/95) 10 chest to bar pullups Warm up: 400 meter run 3×20 pull overs old stretch Times: Shane 9:47 sc Noel 7:30 sc Cynthia 6:40 sc Eric 9:21 sc Jeff 5:04 Heather 8:00 Ramone 7:37 sc Adrian 7:50 sc Ivonne 6:25 mod Andrew 8:54 sc Ray 7:28 mod Gonzo 7:40 mod Alissa 5:57 mod 3D 6:32 mod Shannon 8:28 sc Gimpy 9:21 sc Penny 7:38 sc Randy 9:30 sc Maiya nft Juarez 9:36 Bull 8:58 sc Cristy 6:56 JMac 9:16 sc Vero 9:38 mod Michael 9:30 mod Roberto 7:03 sc Stacey 7:22 sc Carlos 8:12 mod Shawn 7:01 Karina 9:18 mod CQ 7:15 mod Strength: Gimpy Juarez Adriana Ivonne...

Tuesday, 7/14/2015 WOD

200 meter run 21 pushups 21 ball slams (20/30) 21 situps 400 meter run 15 pushups 15 ball slams (20/30) 15 situps 800 meter run 9 pushups 9 ball slams (20/30) 9 situps Warm up: 400 meter run Sean’s dynamic drills Jeff 11:28 Heather 11:28 Eric 14:44 Shane 14:42 Noel 15:50 Gonzo 18:11 Karen 21:28 Stacey 15:37 Vicki 17:31 Alissa 14:41 (mod) Maiya 12:03+ JMac 17:02 KK 15:38 Sean 10:01 Bryan 13:44 3D 14:12 Vince 13:00 Brook 15:58 Rochelle 19:09 Guru 15:48 Penny 15:41 Q 18:07 Juarez 13:27 Bull 12:30 T2 13:08 Shannon 14:01 Adriana 12:16 Jessi 15:17 Dani 16:05 Cait 14:48 Adrian 14:30 Strength: Juarez Guru John...

Monday, 7/13/2015 WOD

3-3-3-3-3 of squat clean first set should be 50% of your workout weight, last set should be 10 to 20 pounds heavier that your workout weight. AMRAP in 8 minutes of: 3 squat cleans (115/165) 6 hand stand pushups/2 arm kb press (12/16) sitting on your box 9 box jumps Warm up: 500 meter row 3×20 pullovers Dynamic stretch Clean progression. Heather 2+4 Jeff 3+6 Shane 4 sc Cynthia 3+3 sc Adriana 3+8 mod Steph 4+3 Ivonne 5 sc Razor 3+3 sc Maiya nfr Adrian 5+1 sc Juarez 2+11 sc JMac 4+1 sc Shannon 4 sc KK 4+4 sc Guru 4 sc Jake 3+1 sc Vero 5 sc Eric 2+14 sc Cristy 4+3 sc Ruth 3+11 sc Roberto 2+14 sc Cait 4+7 sc Bryan 4+1 Dani 4+1 sc Stacey 3+16 sc Jessi 4+2 sc Mike 3+14 sc McC 4 sc Herman 3+3 sc Susan 4 Saunders 3+3 Noel 3+3 (Intro) Bryan 3 Strength:...
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