Sunday, 7/12/2015 WOD

Thank you to the athletes from Terra Nova and Banshee that competed and volunteered on Saturday. You were the reason why the event was AWESOME!’ You are our heroes, and in your honor we will be doing:  60 calorie row 50 kettlebell swings 40 wall balls 30 pull ups/ ring rows 20 thrusters 10 burpee box jumps...

Friday, 7/10/2015 WOD

Happy 1 year strong to an amazing couple This is a partner workout 7-10-14 of: Thrusters (65/95) Hanging leg raises Burpee box jumps (20/24) Kettlebell swings (16/24 While one partner is completing each round, the other partner will be rowing. Warm up: 400 meter run 500 meter row Old stretch 5×3 thrusters (light to workout...

Thursday, 7/9/2015 WOD

In House Competition this Saturday, July 11 400 meter run then 4 rounds for time of: 4 deadlift (155/225) 4 ring muscle ups/4 bar muscle ups/7 strict pullups 4 push press (95/135) then 400 meter run Warm up: 400 meter run 3×20 pullovers Dynamic stretch Phil 14:21 sc Ruth 12:52 sc Shane 12:46 sc Heather 8:05 sc Jeff 7:53 sc Adrian 7:49 sc Adriana 9:32 sc Karen 15:06 Maiya nft Stacey 15:35 Mayra 12:38 Z 12:38 Vicki 15:16 Tyler 11:36 mod Ray 17:17 sc Q 14:17 sc Kellyn 9:22 mod Gonzo 13:37 sc Andrew 12:12 McC 9:02 sc Lindsey 11:25 sc Guru 11:02 sc JMac 18:37 sc Saunders nft T2 10:35 sc Cristy 14:46 Alissa nft D 11:52 sc Vince 15:24 sc Jessi 13:37 sc Karina 13:50 sc Rob 15:20 sc Brook 13:46...

Wednesday, 7/8/2015 WOD

In House Competition and CFTN’s 2nd b-day celebration this Saturday See you all at the gym! 3-3-3-3-3 of thrusters  First set at 50% of your 1 rep max clean and jerk (add 10 pounds to each following set) at 40 past the hour 21-15-9 of: Wall balls (14/20) Double unders/ triple singles 1 minute plank 9-15-21 of: Wall balls (14/20) Double unders/ triple singles Ray 12:33 sc Gonzo 10:29 sc Shane 11:47 sc Cynthia 13:03 sc Jeff 6:16 Andrew 8:23 Heather 8:33 John 9:44 Roberto 9:25 D 12:28 sc Alissa 11:45 sc Mike 8:49 Rob 10:57 sc Cait 9:40 sc Herman 10:27 sc Susan 10:56 sc Sarah mod Razor 11:01 Adrian 9:37 Vince 9:09 Stacey 11:15 Randy 8:49 CQ 12:50 Adriana 10:25 Joel 10:35 sc Kellyn 8:50 mod Maiya 8:21 + Juarez 9:23 Shannon 11:29 sc Sasha 14:16 sc Saunders 9:09 Jake 13:21 sc JMac 10:28...
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