Thursday, 7/16/2015 WOD

EMOM for 10 minutes of:



2 back squats at 80-85% of your 1 RM
rest 3 minutes
3 rounds of:
10 Romanian deadlifts, with 50% of your back squat weight today
200 meter run
30 stick jumps, total
Warm up:
400 meter run
Dynamic stretch
Hip mobility
Shane 155/75/20:36
Heather 145/85/21:01 mod
Karen 105/55/22:27
Stacey 135/75/20:30
Vicki 105/65/20:25
Andrew 275/135/21:12
Gonzo 185/135/20:44
Ray 155/95/24:41
Maiya 155/30/19:16
Shawn 225/115/19:52
Shannon 115/55/20:25
Roberto 205/115/20:26 mod
Ruth 130/70/21:02
Jake 135
Bryan 225/115/20:34
Phil 165/85/22:41
Cait 75/35/21:33
Dani 75/35/26:21
Adrian 155/75/19:14
Jessi 95/65/23:09
Alissa 135/85/22:37
CQ 135/85/23:23
Herman 165/85/21:13
Susan 85/45/22:42
Brook 105/65/22:29

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