Monday, 7/13/2015 WOD

3-3-3-3-3 of squat clean



first set should be 50% of your workout weight, last set should be 10 to 20 pounds heavier that your workout weight.
AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
3 squat cleans (115/165)
6 hand stand pushups/2 arm kb press (12/16) sitting on your box
9 box jumps
Warm up:
500 meter row
3×20 pullovers
Dynamic stretch
Clean progression.
Heather 2+4
Jeff 3+6
Shane 4 sc
Cynthia 3+3 sc
Adriana 3+8 mod
Steph 4+3
Ivonne 5 sc
Razor 3+3 sc
Maiya nfr
Adrian 5+1 sc
Juarez 2+11 sc
JMac 4+1 sc
Shannon 4 sc
KK 4+4 sc
Guru 4 sc
Jake 3+1 sc
Vero 5 sc
Eric 2+14 sc
Cristy 4+3 sc
Ruth 3+11 sc
Roberto 2+14 sc
Cait 4+7 sc
Bryan 4+1
Dani 4+1 sc
Stacey 3+16 sc
Jessi 4+2 sc
Mike 3+14 sc
McC 4 sc
Herman 3+3 sc
Susan 4
Saunders 3+3
Noel 3+3 (Intro)
Bryan 3


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