SUNDAY, 4/14/2024

“Babies” Come celebrate with Becca and Emily as they are about to help us welcome two new beautiful members on our amazing gym family… 3 rounds of: 200 meter run 20 step up 20 ring rows 20 db push press...

SATURDAY, 4/13/2024

Partner up WITH A TWIST 😉 Buy in: 400 m run or walk Then 6 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) Then 2000m row or 4800m bike Then 4 rounds of Cindy Then 1000m row or 2400m bike Then 2 rounds of Cindy Then 500m row or 2400m...

FRIDAY, 4/12/2024

Part A: every minute for 7 minutes 3 bench press 75-80% Part B: every 5 minutes for 20 minutes 21 db/kb push press, medium (2x 25/35) 15 toes to bars 9 box jump overs scale reps so you get around 45 seconds rest

THURSDAY, 4/11/2024

7 rounds, 40 minute cap 20 walking lunges 1 strict press 65-70% 20 sit ups 1 strict press 4 muscle ups or 5 strict pull ups 1 strict press 20 air squats 1 strict press 30 weighted russian twists (10/15) 1 strict...
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