Monday, 6/20/2022

Part A:Every minute for 18 minutes10 total, 5 each leg, single leg deadlift (2x 12/16)20 seconds bottom up kb hold (12/16)20 seconds max double unders or singles if you don’t want to do both arms for the kb hold, switch arms each minute Part B:amrap 6 minutes9 power snatches 40-50%3 chin...

Friday, 6/17/2022

A. Every 8 minutes for 32 minutes10 deadlifts 55-65%10 ring push ups10 ft hand stand walk or 1 wall walk400m run (500m row/ski, 1200m bike)10 ft hand stand walk or 1 wall walk10 ring push ups10 deadlifts B. 7 minute abs
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