Tuesday, 6/15/2021

A. 8 rounds, not for time3 deadlifts 65-75%20 total single arm rows very light B. 5 rounds, 10 minute cap6 back squats @ 40%10 ghd sit ups or 20 regular sit ups C. Plank hold for as long as possible

Monday, 6/14/2021

A. accumulate 5 minutes of handstand hold or work on handstand walks B.Every 6 minutes for 18 minutes (3 rounds)400m run (500m row/ski, 1200m bike)25 russian kettlebell swings (32/24)25 push ups C. 7 minute abs

Sunday, 6/13/2021

JUSTIN AMRAP in 23 minutes 1/2 mile Run 4 Deadlifts (275/185 lb) 17 Pull-Ups 90 Burpees 20 Box Jumps (24/20 in) 13 Hand Release Push-Ups Buy-Out: 5 minutes to relax in the sun and reflect on the day
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