Sunday, 5/17/2015 WOD

5 Rounds for time of:  Run 400 meters 10 Burpee box jumps, 24″ box 95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 10 reps 95 pound Thruster, 10 reps Rest 1 minute Australian Army Sergeant Brett Wood, 32, of Ferntree Gully, Victoria, assigned to the 2nd Commando Regiment, based in Sydney, New South Wales, died on May 23, 2011, in Helmand province, Afghanistan, after insurgents attacked him with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Elvi, his mother Allison, and his father David. Donations can be made in his name to the Commando Welfare Trust. Times: Alissa 35:32 Bo 28:51 Vicki 31:11 mod Adriana 28:21 Maiya 30:05 Tyler 25:19 Juarez 38:15 Herman 39:12 sc Sean...

Saturday, 5/16/2015 WOD

200 meter farmer carries with 2 bumper plates (15/25) then 3 rounds of: 20 overhead walking lunges, prison rules (25/45) 20 weighted situps (15/25) then 200 meter farmer carries with 2 bumper plates (15/25) Warm up: 400 meter run 20 weightless walking lunges total Old stretch Shoulder/hip mobility Times: Alissa 10:35 Adriana 10:05 Vicki 13:02 Razor 20:11 Vince 18:56 Cristy 13:02 Cori...

Friday, 5/15/2015 WOD

AMRAP in 6 minutes of: 3 deadlifts (125/185) 3 box jumps over 6 deadlifts 6 box jumps over 9 deadlifts 9 box jumps over …and so on (score is the total reps combined) at the 10 minute mark AMRAP in 6 minutes of 10 situps 15 double unders/45 singles (score is total rounds + reps) Warm up: 50 double unders/150 singles 40 mountain climbers, prison rules Old stretch Wod specific warm up: 5×5 deadlifts (light to 20 pounds over workout weight) Maiya 106/9+8 Heather 118/10+6 Vero 90/11 sc Isa 90/7 sc Adriana 18+4/7+9 Alex 60/5 sc Gordon 82/8+3 Caileigh 43/4+36 Jill 60/6 sc Jackie T 100/7+4 Guru 60/7+9 sc Juarez 61/8+10 Q 49/5+5 sc Ruth 60/7+3 KK 63/7+7 sc D 70/8+4 Vicki 100/9+10 Emily 75 sc Karina 80/8 sc “Cindy” Mayra...

Thursday, 5/14/2015

“Cindy” AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 5 pullups 10 pushups 15 Air squats Warm up: 500 meter row 400 meter run Old stretch Shoulder mobility Karen 10+21 b Lili 16 mod Vicki 13+5 b Maiya 18+13 Tyler 20+1 Heather 18+8 Randy 18+7 Jeff 20+7 Guru 11+13 mod Juarez 14+13 3D 11+20 b Jackie T 14+1 Penny 12+2 b Phil 10+2 mod Jake 9+5 b KK 7+15 b Ruth 10+5 Kristen 14+29 b D 14+8 b McC 15+20 Jacob 11+7 Vince 13+1 Herman 11+1 KitKat 11+8 b Sean 17+15...

Wednesday, 5/13/2015 WOD

3 x 1 power clean and jerk @80% of max 2 x 1 power clean and jerk @85% of max 1 power clean and jerk @90% of max at 40 past the hour 3 rounds for time of: 10 power cleans (95/135) 400 meter run Warm up: 400 meter run Old stretch Shoulder mobility Jeff 7:58 rx Heather 8:44 rx Tyler 8:05 rx Randy 9:58 sc Maiya 8:12 rx Alex 9:22 mod Ivonne 9:52 mod Z 10:10 sc Mayra 8:56 sc Mensch 8:56 rx T2 9:42 sc McC 10:46 rx Elise 12:00 sc Michi 12:11 sc Sasha 12:13 sc Vince 14:55 rx Stacey 13:49 rx Roberto nft Batman 8:54 rx Q 15:00 sc Caileigh 16:31 rx Adriana 10:10 rx Hollywood 11:25 rx Herman 12:27 sc Jessica 14:27 sc Fran 11:27 rx Carlos 10:24 sc Karina 13:19 sc Intro: Emily Strength: Juarez Run:...
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