Tuesday, 5/12/2015 WOD

“Furryfit competition event” For time: 50 Wall balls (14/20) 10 Kettlebell swings (16/24) 30 Wall balls (14/20) 30 Kettlebell swings (16/24) 10 Wall balls (14/20) 50 Kettlebell swings (16/24) Warm up: 400 meter row 3×20 pullovers Old stretch Kettlebell warm up Karen 12:00 Ivonne 10:34 Mayra 11:00 Z 9:08 Alex 13:07 Mensch 12:06 rx T2 13:42 Razor 10:46 Guru 12:37 Q 18:30 Autumn 14:41 Jill 11:39 Ruth 13:30 Phil 17:20 Sean 16:50 rx John 15:44 rx KK 14:26 D 14:06 Kristen 15:28 Karina 13:48 Gina 10:00 2nd Wod: Jeff 9:23 rx Heather 10:29 rx Tyler 10:54 rx Maiya 10:19 rx Steph 10:26 rx Juarez 11:54 rx Batman 12:40 rx Anthony 8:05 rx Stacey 14:44 rx Jess 6:14 mod Isa 5:53 mod Vicki 11:45 mod Deskins mod Mondays: Jessica 16:00 Intro: Emily...

Monday, 5/11/2015 WOD

“Every day is Mother’s Day” 1-1-1-1-1 of: Front squat at 40 past the hour 511 meter row then 5 Front squats (95/135) 11 strict pull-ups 5 Front squats (95/135) 11 Ring dips 5 Front squats (95/135) 11 Sumo deadlift 5 Front squats (95/135) 11 burpees over the bar then 511 meter row Heather 155/10:03 Jeff 225/9:23 Tyler 275/8:07 Alex 135/nft Z 105/11:05 sc Ivonne 105/11:03 sc Steph 180/9:06 Maiya 180/10:26 Sean 275/12:04 Drew 235/12:43 sc Razor 175/12:52 sc Randy 170/12:22 sc Lili 11:26 sc Gordon 235/10:38 Roberto 225/11:40 Juarez 235/13:17 KK 85/13:31 sc Guru 195/13:31 sc 3D 85/13:07 sc Sasha 125/14:13 sc Batman 245/10:05 Bo 145/11:20 sc Cristy 165/11:13 Ruth 130/12:42 sc Lindsey 125 Kristen 155/13:12 sc Jill 85/13:03 mod Mark 200/10:39 D 130/11:56 sc Jennifer 110/12:52 Stacey 155/11:49 sc Fran 205/12:22 sc Hollywood 210/12:48 sc Carlos 175/12:33 sc Karina 90/16:47 sc Herman 165/13:48 sc Jess 120/15:52 sc Adriana 160/11:02 Brook 12:34 sc...

Sunday, 5/10/2015

Due to the weather conditions expected tomorrow, we are canceling today’s workout. Please be safe.  We will be doing the Mother’s day workout on Monday. Sorry for any inconvenience. Happy Mother’s...

Saturday, 5/9/2015 WOD

“Fight Gone Bad Style” 3 rounds of: Row for calories Box jumps (20/24) Hand stand push-ups/ double kettlebell strict press Rope climbs V-ups Each athlete will spend one minute in each station. The clock doesn’t stop. At the end of each round there will be a one minute break. Your score is the total of reps combined. Warm up: 500 meter row 3×20 pullovers Old stretch Rope climb drill Times: Adriana 248 Mark 168 Vicki 259 Cristy 162 Jill 186 Karen NFR Brook 206 Micheal 178 D 135 Drew 192 Basic Barbell D (PR...

Friday, 5/8/2015 WOD

:For time 50 double unders 40 hand release pushups 30 kettlebell swings (16/24) 20 wall balls (14/20 10 Power clean (95/135) 1 minute plank 10 power clean (95/135) 20 wall ball (14/20) 30 kettlebell swings (16/24) 40 hand release pushups 50 double unders Warm up: 50 double unders/150 singles Old stretch Shoulder/hip mobility Times: Jess 26:17 Cristy 19:04 Isa 18:45 Christy 18:39 Randy 24:17 Leo 16:39 Jeff 11:18 Tyler 12:58 Heather 14:44 Maiya 13:35 Ivonne 15:47 Anthony 12:47 Drew 20:54 Juarez 20:35 Guru 21:12 KK 24:59 Q 32:40 Heather (Intro) 4:11 Precy (Intro) 4:31 Vicki 12:23 Cait...
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