Friday, 5/15/2015 WOD

AMRAP in 6 minutes of:



3 deadlifts (125/185)
3 box jumps over
6 deadlifts
6 box jumps over
9 deadlifts
9 box jumps over
…and so on (score is the total reps combined)
at the 10 minute mark
AMRAP in 6 minutes of
10 situps
15 double unders/45 singles
(score is total rounds + reps)
Warm up:
50 double unders/150 singles
40 mountain climbers, prison rules
Old stretch
Wod specific warm up:
5×5 deadlifts (light to 20 pounds over workout weight)

Maiya 106/9+8
Heather 118/10+6
Vero 90/11 sc
Isa 90/7 sc
Adriana 18+4/7+9
Alex 60/5 sc
Gordon 82/8+3
Caileigh 43/4+36
Jill 60/6 sc
Jackie T 100/7+4
Guru 60/7+9 sc
Juarez 61/8+10
Q 49/5+5 sc
Ruth 60/7+3
KK 63/7+7 sc
D 70/8+4
Vicki 100/9+10
Emily 75 sc
Karina 80/8 sc

Mayra 12+3

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