Saturday, 12/17/2016

Partner Workout 50 clean and jerks (95/135) 50 hang power clean (105/155) 50 power clean (115/175) 50 deadlifts (155/225) *You will perform 1 burpee after each lift *Scale down appropriately Ozzy Victor Alberto Susana Miguel Roberto CQ Vicki...

Thursday, 12/15/2016

“Twelve Days of Christmas”  Day 1.- Muscle up/ strict pull up and ring dip Day 2.- Power snatch (65/95) Day 3.- Burpees over the bar Day 4.- Toes to bar Day 5.- Front squats (65/95) Day 6.- Power clean (65/95) Day 7.- Wall balls (14/20) Day 8.- Push ups Day 9.- Kettlebell swings (16/24) Day 10.- Stick jumps, prison rules Day 11.- Ball slams (20/30) Day 12.- Double unders/ 36 singles Times: Victor L 32:20 Steph 33:32 3Dee 36:09 Penny 40:43 Karen 40:08 Martha 29:14 Raisa 42:49 Rosa 35:14 Juan 37:41 Roberto 34:49 Vicki 47:00 Jordan +++ Bull 33:22 Susana 35:09 Susan 34:06 Gris 33:49 Stacey 46:29 Juarez 47:53 Guru 33:04 Ozzy 26:57 Johnathan ? Vero 34:51 Adriana 34:51 Caileigh 48:00 Lily 45:51 Victor L 30:36 Christopher 44:55 Other John Brett Feliz...

Wednesday, 12/14/2016

Yoga Tonight at 6pm  Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 First set at about 50%, then add 20 pounds for each additional set. At 40 past the hour 5 rounds of: 5 hand stand pushups, or kb strict press from knees 5 strict pullups 25 double unders/75 singles Times: C-Note 8:55 Victor L 8:46 Alissa 11:36 Razor 7:05 Carmen 8:06 Miguel 7:24 Evelyn 7:42 Martha 8:25 Raisa 8:29 Alberto 8:20 Rosa 12:02 Lowell Bill Gris 7:26 Vicki 8:03 Hollywood 11:50 Stacey 11:50 Miguel 7:15 Jess 8:37 Susana 9:58 Caileigh 9:48 Adriana 10:53 Victor L 5:46 Christopher 8:01 Sean 5:01 Jordan 7:36 Other Jordan Ashley Yoga Asley Juarez Guru Susan Roberto Justin’s...

Tuesday, 12/13/2016

Squat clean & Jerk – 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1 at 40 past the hour AMRAP in 15 minutes of… you will see Kim 4 Bill 3.25 Mauricio 5 Christy 4.5 Razor 5.75 Juan 5 Rosa 4.75 Alberto 5.75 Miguel 5.75 Carla 4.75 Raisa 3.75 Roberto 5.25 Sean 6 Martha 4.5 Bull 6.25 Lowell 4.50 Jordan 6.25 Angie 5 50 Susana 7 Juarez 4.5 Stacey 4.5 Ozzy 8.5 Jessica 7 Luke 4.5 CQ 6.25 Ralph 5.25 Carmen 5 Lily 4 Vero 4.25 Adriana 5.50 Susan 4 Christopher 4.50 Herman 6 Julian 5.50 Evelyn 5.50 Victor L 6.5 Tere 5 Other: C-Note Jordan Guru Ashley...
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