Thursday, 12/15/2016

“Twelve Days of Christmas” twelve-days-of-christmas-2
Day 1.- Muscle up/ strict pull up and ring dip
Day 2.- Power snatch (65/95)
Day 3.- Burpees over the bar
Day 4.- Toes to bar
Day 5.- Front squats (65/95)
Day 6.- Power clean (65/95)
Day 7.- Wall balls (14/20)
Day 8.- Push ups
Day 9.- Kettlebell swings (16/24)
Day 10.- Stick jumps, prison rules
Day 11.- Ball slams (20/30)
Day 12.- Double unders/ 36 singles
Victor L 32:20
Steph 33:32
3Dee 36:09
Penny 40:43
Karen 40:08
Martha 29:14
Raisa 42:49
Rosa 35:14
Juan 37:41
Roberto 34:49
Vicki 47:00
Jordan +++
Bull 33:22
Susana 35:09
Susan 34:06
Gris 33:49
Stacey 46:29
Juarez 47:53
Guru 33:04
Ozzy 26:57
Johnathan ?
Vero 34:51
Adriana 34:51
Caileigh 48:00
Lily 45:51
Victor L 30:36
Christopher 44:55


Feliz Navidad!

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