Wednesday, 8/17/2016

Yoga Tonight @ 6 pm  Snatch Push Press – 70%x5x3, 75%x5x2 at 40 past the hour For time 800 meter run (cash in) 3 rounds of: 25 ball slams (20/30) 10 overhead squats (65/95) 800 meter run (cash out) *If you can overhead squat 135/200 or more, please use (75/115) for the workout Times: Shane 19:05 mod Carmen 21:59 Martha 20:27 Raisa 22:14 Miriam 19:44 rx JMac 25:40 rx Jill 22:45 rx Juarez 21:02 rx Adriana 20:12 Roberto 18:? rx Susana 16:25 Tere 19:13 Cori 18:33 Robert 17:44 Adam 14:26 Ashley 16:46 Crystal 21:26 Makayla 22:40 Tuesdays: Razor 22:15 T2/Mensch 19:39 Yoga: Ashley Guru Christy CQ...

Tuesday, 8/16/2016

“Partner Workout”  One goes, one rest, both complete the EMOM 100 calorie row EMOM (10 air squats) 50 hang to over head (75/115) EMOM (5 stick jumps, prison rules) 50 ground to over head (75/115) EMOM 3 pullups 400 meter run (together) “Maximum Level” Power clean+ Squat clean 60% x (1+2)x2 65% x (1+2)x2 Snatch balance 60% x 3 x 4 Push press 70% x 5 x 4 Muscle Snatch 505×4, 55%x4, 60%x3x2 1 mile run Times: Martha/Melissa 22:05 William 15:00 Alissa/Steph 28:17 Vero/Carla 20:00 Moni/Sean 25:35 Raisa/Nicole 32:44 Donna/Roberto 26:18 Vicki/Paige 26:50 Susana/Gris 29:33 Stacey/Juarez 26:20 Cara/CQ 28:57 Kristen/John 31:33 Luke/Jessica 20:20 Adriana/Ozzy 20:35 Tere/Carmen 26:40 Vince/Caileigh 23:45 Miriam 22:06 Nico/Tato 29:51 Andrea/Marlene 26:50 Makayla/ Crystal 28:40 “Maximum Level”...
Monday, 8/15/2016

Monday, 8/15/2016

For time 10-8-6-4-2 of: Front squats (105/155) Bar facing burpees *If you can front squat 185/275 or more, please use (125/185) “Maximum Level” EMOM for 12 minutes (4 sets): Minute 1 – Unbroken chest to bar pullups (shoot for at least 8) Minute 2 – 30 Double-Unders + as many handstand pushups as you can Minute 3 – Calories in rower or airdyne bike Times: Vince 9:34 rx Penny 8:16 Carla 8:17 Steph 7:02 Nicole 10:01 Raisa 9:38 JMac 9:30 Tere 10:21 Razor 9:48 rx Phil 11:32 Maria 7:08 Susan 8:55 Donna 5:50 Ozzy 8:45 (185) Jill 9:42 rx r CQ 12:20 rx Cathy 10:16 Gris 6:44 Juarez 9:08 rx John 7:40 rx Cori 8:43 Adam 5:25 rx Luke 7:25 (185) Jessica 5:23 rx Susana 5:48 rx Adriana 7:00 Stacey nft Roberto 8:14 rx Veronica 5:32 Miriam 10:04 Marlene 10:31 Carmen 8:49 Rodrigo 9:07 Andrea 7:52 Makayla 10:12 Crystal 7:50 Cara 9:46 Nico 10:54 Ian 7:04 “Maximum Level” Sean Cori John Adriana Adam...

Sunday, 8/14/2016

“TK”  Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 8 Strict Pull-ups 8 Box jumps (24/30) 12 Kettlebell swings (16/24) U.S. Army Major Thomas E. Kennedy, 35, of West Point, New York, assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, died on August 8, 2012, of wounds suffered when an insurgent detonated a suicide vest in Kunar province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Kami, son Brody, daughter Margaret, parents George and Patricia, and brothers John and George. Rounds Roberto Jill Vicki Sean Susana...

Saturday, 8/13/2016

Barbell Basics @ 10AM  PRIMER: Overhead Squat – 3 sets of 5 reps WORK: 3 Position Snatch (3 reps=1 complex) – 4 sets of 2 complexes “Fight Gone Bad Style” All we are saying is that there is rope climbs 😉 Isaiah Ozzy Carla Susana No-No Vicki Jessica Raisa Jmac Amy Rochelle “Bsrbell Basics” Caileigh...
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