Tuesday, 8/16/2016

“Partner Workout” 



One goes, one rest, both complete the EMOM
100 calorie row
EMOM (10 air squats)
50 hang to over head (75/115)
EMOM (5 stick jumps, prison rules)
50 ground to over head (75/115)
EMOM 3 pullups
400 meter run (together)

“Maximum Level”
Power clean+ Squat clean
60% x (1+2)x2
65% x (1+2)x2
Snatch balance
60% x 3 x 4
Push press
70% x 5 x 4
Muscle Snatch
505×4, 55%x4, 60%x3x2
1 mile run
Martha/Melissa 22:05
William 15:00
Alissa/Steph 28:17
Vero/Carla 20:00
Moni/Sean 25:35
Raisa/Nicole 32:44
Donna/Roberto 26:18
Vicki/Paige 26:50
Susana/Gris 29:33
Stacey/Juarez 26:20
Cara/CQ 28:57
Kristen/John 31:33
Luke/Jessica 20:20
Adriana/Ozzy 20:35
Tere/Carmen 26:40
Vince/Caileigh 23:45
Miriam 22:06
Nico/Tato 29:51
Andrea/Marlene 26:50
Makayla/ Crystal 28:40

“Maximum Level”

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