Friday, 8/12/2016

Take 15-20 minutes to find today’s 1 RM power clean and jerk at 40 past the hour: 7 barbell complex @ 50% of today’s 1 RM power clean and jerk) (power clean + front squat + hang squat clean + jerk) 7 toes to bars 5 barbell complex 14 toes to bars 3 barbell complex 21 toes to bars “Ninja” “Jerry” 1 mile run 2000 meter row 1 mile run Times: Donna 40/7:56 Susana 55/8:39 rx Penny 35/7:47 Martha 55/6:30 Razor 100/10:37 rx Raisa 55/9:14 Tere 40/9:59 Roberto 90/7:44 rx T2 95/7:10 rx Ozzy 115/6:34 rx JMac 55/11:58 rx Hollywood 95/12:36 rx Luke 165/11:47 rx Jessica 65/7:55 rx McC 80/7:14 rx Nico 55/11:23 Andrea 25/7:31 Ian 15/8:58 Tato 55/11:19 Makayla 45/9:59 Marlene 55/10:41 “Ninja” T2 Susana Gris Ozzy Other: Guru Vicki Lylie Shane...

Thursday, 8/11/2016

For time:   2 Ring or bar muscle ups (5 strict pull ups- 5 ring dips) 4 Turkish get ups, total (12/16) 6 Power snatches (75/115) 80 Double unders 100 Sit ups 80 Double unders 6 Power snatches (75/115) 4 Turkish get ups, total (12/16) 2 Ring or bar muscle ups (5 strict pull ups- 5 ring dips) “Maximum Level” 50 double unders 40 GHD situps 30 pull ups 20 meter hand stand walk 100 meter sled pull (4 plates 45#) 20 meter hand stand walk 30 pull ups 40 GHD situps 50 double unders Times: Vero 22:12 Carla 24:04 Shane 21:50 rx Lylie 22:15 Cara 19:57 Christy 19:08 Karen 20:30 Martha 15:47 Susana 14:32 Steph 19:36 rx Raisa 21:04 Razor 18:18 rx Sean 12:07 rx Carmen 20:26 Tere 22:173 Donna 15:15 Randy 21:38 Jeremiah nft Gris 11:54 Ian 16:08 Nico 20:01 Andrea 15:35 Tato 19:05 Moni 18:10 CQ 12:38 Roberto 16:06 Adriana 16:06 Ozzy 12:08 Caileigh 22:00 Makayla 20:12 Hollywood...

Wednesday, 8/10/2016

Yoga Tonight @ 6 PM  EMOM for 10 minutes 1 Deadlift @85-90 % of 1RM rest 3 minutes 4 rounds of: 10 hand release pushups 10 jumping lunges, prison rules 200 meter run Kim 155/26:08 Alissa 215/23:23 Sean 315+/20:18 Vero 155/24:23 Penny 140/27:20 Ozzy 405/20:50 Nicole 155/25:16 Raisa 175/25:00 Tere 145/28:55 Donna 115 nft Carmen 145/25:10 Susana 265/22:39 Martha 175/22:54 Vicki 145/25:43 Crystal 135/25:11 Vince 255/20:58 Bull 300/22:49 Ruth 125/21:53 John 225/26:38 Luke 495/25:57 Jessica 205/21:35 Cara 175 23:29 Adriana 150/24:27 Hollywood 300/21:25 Caileigh 205/28:08 Stacey 255/25:20 Phil 205/29:16 Devon 325/26:20 Tuesdays: Roberto 313 Yoga Ashley Guru Adriana...

Tuesday, 8/9/2016

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) 7 Front Squats @ 70% at 30 past the past the hour 7 rounds for reps of: 1 minute of ball slams (20/30) 1 minute of wall balls (14/20) 1 minute of pull ups Rest 1 minute “Maximum Level” 15 minutes to find a heavy power clean 5 minutes rest 3 rounds of: 5 power cleans @85% of today’s 1 RM power clean 5 Front squars @ 85% of today’s 1 RM power clean 5 minutes rest 2000 meter row *Compare to ‘Max” from 6/2/2016 Reps: Carla 223 Shane 311 Kim 267 Alissa Penny 282 Vicki 352 JMac 243 Raisa 237 Martha 283 Ramon 307 Cathy 262 McC 285 Jeremiah 363 Ozzy 343 Bull 306 Jill 279 Susana 340 Sean 360 Mark 286 John 233 Gerald 263 Luke 329 Adriana 361 Jessica 345 Gris 359 Hollywood 306 Devon 150 Stacey 286 Nico 356 Cara 259 Caileigh 245 Andrea 273 Ian 371 Marlene 233 Makayla 228 Carmen 342 Crystal 293 Jake...

Monday, 8/8/2016

Power Clean + Squat Clean – 70%x (1+2) x 2, 75%x (1+2) x 3 (% of power clean)  at 40 past the hour: 500 meter row then 30 kettlebell snatches, total (16/24) 10 box jumps (20/24) 20 kettlebell snatches, total (16/24) 20 box jumps (20/24) 10 kettlebell snatches, total (16/24) 30 box jumps (20/24) then 500 meter row “Maximum Level” For time: 60 Calories on airdyne 40 GHD Sit-Ups 20 Thrusters (95/135) Rest until the clock hits 20:00 and Run 1-Mile 200 Double-Unders Times: Conor 14:20 Penny 12:53 Carla 14:54 Kim 13:22 Razor 16:25 Cathy 13:32 Martha 15:58 Raisa 16:50 Nicole 17:38 Shannon 16:32 Jessica 11:58 Luke 12:52 CQ 13:45 Juarez 17:22 Caileigh 20:02 Devon 21:52 Hollywood 13:07 Moni 14:38 Ian ? Teresa 14:13 Carmen 12:51 Adriana 13:40 Andrea 15:34 Nico 13:47 Tato 17:44 Roberto 13:33 Marlene 16:23 Ozzy 15:51 Gerald 15:17 Cara 12:19 Makayla 14:37 “Maximum” Shane Sean Jill Susana...
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