Saturday 10/18/2014 WOD

EMOM for 20 minutes of: On the even minutes 5 burpees over the bar On the odd minutes   5 front squats (95/135) Warm up: 1000 meter row 50 mountain climbers (total) Old stretch Wod specific warm up: 5×5 front squats (light to workout weight) Otter Brook Karen CQ Han Hunter Fridays: Rosa 4 (55/8) Intro: Rochelle 13:23 Amber 11:43 Catherine 12:11 Susan 14:57 Herman 15:04    ...

Friday 10/17/2014 WOD

AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 1 ring muscle up or (2 bar muscle ups/4 c2b pullups/ 8 chin over pullups) 6 power cleans (95/135) 12 wall balls (14/20) Warm up: 400 meter run 500 meter row 3×20 pull overs Stretch: 5 hanging pass throughs 5 single leg raise with core activation (each leg) Wod specific warn up: 5×5 power cleans (light to workout weight), wall balls (light to workout weight) Pullup warm up JMac 3+19 (75/12) Nicole 3+14 (75/10/bands) Hope 2+14 (85/14) T2 4+15 (95/14) Mensch 4+16 (135/20/bmu) Brett 6 (135/20/mu) Otter 4+1 (135/20/c2b) Jared 4+2 (115/20) Cristy+1 (55/10/bands) Jason 5 (mod) Andy 4+14 (65/14/bands) Roberto 5+2 (135/20/mu/bmu) Ricky 5+2 (135/20/bmu) Fran 4 (mod) Bo 5+3 (95/14/c2b) Wednesdays: Nicole 11:02 (95) Bo 9:50 (135) Last Fridays: Phil 3+22    ...

CFTN Fitness League Sunday October 19, 2014

CFTN Fitness League, Sunday October 19, 2004 Workout #5 (The move) Each team will move 20 items from one side of the gym to the other side of the gym and back. What items? Anywhere from the Everlast bag to one of the barbell clips. The athlete can only carry one item at the time. Athletes must keep the same order through out the race. Only one team will go at once. This race is for time. Workout #6 (More moving, over head lunging style) Each team will have to move four 45# plates, four 24# plates, four 15# plates and four 10# plates from the front to the back of the gym. By the name of the workout, you get the idea on how to do it. Only one athlete will work at the time. Once the plate reaches its destination, the athlete will sprint back to the start. Just like the first race, athletes must keep the same order through out the race. This race is for time. There will be a bonus workout 😉 Heat Times: 5 pm Des Cody Andres Yesse Anthony Analisa Jared Andy 6 pm Brett JMac Guru Sarena Jesus Max Jason CQ Sean Abby Keila Chris...

Thursday, 10/15/2014 WOD

WOD: For Time 50 Burpees 50 KB Snatches (16/24), singles 50 Air Squats 50 Pushups Warm Up: 50 Double Unders/150 Singles Stretch: 10 wall facing Air Squats, hold for 3 seconds at the bottom 5 Pushups 10 Glute Bridges 5 KB Snatches each arm 5 Burpees Dessert: 5×5 Strict Press, increase weight with each set Times: Christy 16:39 mod Karen 16:02 (8/knee) Brook 15:22 (8/kn) JMac 18:32 (12) Hope 10:20 (8/kn) Brett 11:22 (24) Marie 11:42 mod Bull 13:30 (16/kn) Ruth 14:26 (12/kn) Analisa 13:07 (12/kn) Dannelle 15:16 (10lbs/kn) Tracy 17:30 (15lbs mod) Juarez 14:26 (16) Michael 14:38 (8/kn) Gordon 12:15 (20) Stacey 15:05 (16/kn) Hunter 13:42 (20/kn) Han 14:04 mod Trent 9:34 (16) Yess 12:26 (12/kn) Chris W 9:29 (16) Roberto 12:39 (24) Ricky 11:01 (24) Salena 13:34 (8/kn) Lilie 13:05 mod Leyla 13:05 mod Abby 11:37 (16/kn) Keila 12:08...

Wednesday, 10/15/2014 WOD

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time: 12 Deadlifts (135/215 up to 155/225) 400 M Run Warm Up: 400 M Run Stretch: Old Stretch Dessert: 4 Rounds 4 Box Jumps (24/32) 2 Rope Climbs or 6 C2B Times: JMac 12:25 (115) Hope 13:30 (135) Olya 12:35 (85) KK 10:17 (125) Han 10:09 (85) Cristy+1 8:42 (115) Bull 10:22 (205) Juarez 9:15 (185) Elisa 10:19 (95) Hunter 9:42 (185) Shannon 10:32 (125) Chris W 7:49 (205) Jason 11:42 (135) Ruth 10:22 (125) D 10:54 (115) Des 9:59 (125) Keila 11:38 (95) Abby 12:28 (155) Salena 12:35 (85) Tuesdays: Bo...
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