Saturday, 4/19/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: 4 Rounds for Time 8 Front Squats 16 KB Swings 32 Situps 400 M Run Warm Up: 400 M Run 3×12 KB Situps Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Front Squats, KB Swings Start light and work up to work out weight Kid’s Fitness Times: Robert 18:01 (95/20) Hollywood 23:38 (105/20) McC 17:50 (115/20) Brianna 21:49 (45/12) Ray 25:42 (75/12) Bo 19:45 (75/ 65 pp) Gordon 18:16 (75/16) JMac 23:38 (55/8) Roberto 20:49 (135/24) Kayla 24:38 (65/12) Utah 21:21 (135/24) Chiri 20:29 (95/16) Alec 27:50 (95/20) O-Lift: Bo Alec...

Friday, 4/18/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: AMRAP in 6 minutes 3 HSP 6 Ball Slams 9 V-ups Ninja WOD: For Reps 4 Rounds 1 minute at each station, 30 second rest between each exercise to record reps Box Jumps Burpees Romanian Deadlifts V-ups Warm Up: 800 M Run Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 3×5 HSP, Ball Slams, V-ups or 3×5 Box Jumps, Burpees, Romanian Deadlifts, V-ups Reps: Abel 6+4 (kb press) Lili 6+2 Lisa 4+9 (d press) Stacey 6+14 Allison 6+8 Utah 6 Brian 6+3 McC 7+1 Abby 6+9 Kayla 6+12 Hollywood 6+1 CQ 6+1 Alec 8+4 Ninja: Ivonne 224 3 rds Mayra 205 3 rds JMac 241 D 287 McC 354 Liz 404 O-Lift/ Extra: Becky McC Roberto...

Thursday, 4/17/2014 WOD

For Time: 1 to 10 Squat Snatch (65/95) 10 to 1 Burpee Bar Jumps Warm Up: 400 M Run 3×15 Ball Slams (20/30) Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Squat Snatch 3 Burpee Bar Jumps in between each set Kid’s Fitness Times: Karen 12:38 (20/ohs) Krista 12:07 (15/ohs) Ivonne 15:10 (15/ohs) Alan NFT (65) Rosa 19:50 (45) Ed 13:28 (35) Abel 16:10 (65) Alec 19:54 (65) Tracey 13:47 (15/ohs) McC 15:39 (65) Roberto 17:57 (95) Phil 22:08 (55) Sophie 13:47 (15/ohs) Jackie 11:06 (15/ohs) Stacey 21:32 (55) Jess 18:55 (45/ohs) Hunter 11:55 (45) Abby 10:15 (10) Des 17:00 (25) Sean 15:20 (95/ sc) Ninja: Lili 29:28 Crissie 14:40 (1/2) Kristal 15:25 (1/2) Kids: Kiara 7:30 Andrew 8:49 Olivia 9:25 O-Lift: McC  ...

Wednesday, 4/16/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: 4 Sets of: Deadlift 4-6 Reps at 80% of max Rest 20 Seconds Tall Box Jumps 4-6 reps Rest 3 minutes then 3 Rounds for Time: 15 Ring Dips 25 Wall Balls 50 Double Unders/150 Singles Ninja WOD: For Time: 1000 M Row then 4 Rounds of 25 Barbell Press 25 Jumping Squats 25 High Knees then 1000 M Row Warm Up: 500 M Row 4×20 Pullovers Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×3 Deadlift, Box Jumps 5×5 Ring Dips, Wall Balls, 20 Double Unders 5×5 Barbell Press, Jumping Squats, High Knees Times: J Mac 95/20 16:44 (8/band) Lili 105/20 15:48 (6/band) Jess 115/20 15:37 (6/band) CQ 125/24 12;50 (12/band) Abel 215/28 12:30 (20/band) Shannon 115/16 13:00 (6/band) Lisa 65/8 9:30 (4/bench) Roberto 275/28 10:11 (20) Robert 185/25 10:13 (20/band) Chiri 225/24 11:38 (14/band) Utah 295/28 10:30 (20) Ninja: Des 32:41 D 30:00 Stacey 31:24 Kayla 33:26 Bo...

Tuesday, 4/15/2014 WOD

AMRAP in 12 Minutes: KB Snatches Pullups When you complete the 12 minutes, you must have the same number of reps for each movement. Warm Up: 50 Double Unders/150 Singles Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: Pullup Warm Up 5×5 KB Snatches Kid’s Fitness Reps: Krista 105 (8/swings/rr) Karen 100 (8/swings/rr) Ivonne 100 (8/swings/rr) Lili 65 (12/swings/bands) Utah 83 (20) Roberto 82(24) Chiri 70 (16) Abel 70 (16/bands) Alec 50 (16) McC 82 (16) Bo 56 (16) Sophie 78 (8/rr) Sean 72 (12/rr) Rosa 43 (12) Phil 80 (16) Tracey 65 (8/swings/rr) Alan 46 (16) Kayla 53 (8/bands) Jmac 60 (8/bands) D 62 (12/bands) Grady 60 (12/bands) Hunter 72 (12/bands) Hollywood 74 (16) Kids: Kaydee Baileigh Andrew Kiara Alexie...
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