Wednesday, 4/16/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD:



4 Sets of:
Deadlift 4-6 Reps at 80% of max
Rest 20 Seconds
Tall Box Jumps 4-6 reps
Rest 3 minutes
3 Rounds for Time:
15 Ring Dips
25 Wall Balls
50 Double Unders/150 Singles

Ninja WOD:
For Time:
1000 M Row
then 4 Rounds of
25 Barbell Press
25 Jumping Squats
25 High Knees
then 1000 M Row

Warm Up:
500 M Row
4×20 Pullovers

Team Stretch

WOD Specific Warm Up:
5×3 Deadlift, Box Jumps
5×5 Ring Dips, Wall Balls, 20 Double Unders

5×5 Barbell Press, Jumping Squats, High Knees


J Mac 95/20 16:44 (8/band)

Lili 105/20 15:48 (6/band)

Jess 115/20 15:37 (6/band)

CQ 125/24 12;50 (12/band)

Abel 215/28 12:30 (20/band)

Shannon 115/16 13:00 (6/band)

Lisa 65/8 9:30 (4/bench)

Roberto 275/28 10:11 (20)

Robert 185/25 10:13 (20/band)

Chiri 225/24 11:38 (14/band)

Utah 295/28 10:30 (20)


Des 32:41

D 30:00

Stacey 31:24

Kayla 33:26


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