Monday, 4/14/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: For Time: 20 Deadlifts (115/185) 20 Power Cleans (95/135) 20 Power Snatches (65/115) Ninja WOD: Tobata- Wall Balls Jumping Pullups Bicycles Warm Up: 500 M Row 1 Suicide Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: CF: 5×5 DL, PC, PS Ninja: 5×5 WB, JP, Bicycles Times: Utah 6:13 (Rx) Chiri 6:21 (Rx) Jim 8:11 (Rx) Alan 9:46 (Rx) Sean (Mod) Robert 5:38 (135/105/75) Phil 6:33 (135/105/75) Gordon (125/95/65) Rosa 8:14  (115/85/55) Sophie 7:25 (95/65?454) Liz 8:59 (135/85/65) Brianna 8:28 (85/55/35) Megan 7:22 (115/95/65) Sean 14:09 (10-1 dl, bs, walking lunge) Ninja: Gordon Des D Intro: Lisa Tracey O-Lift: Chiri...

Saturday, 4/12/2014 WOD

WOD: 5 Rounds For Time: 250 M Row Sprint 15 Thrusters (35/45) 30 Weighted Situps (20/30) Warm Up: 60 Double Unders/120 Singles 3×25 Wall Balls Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 3×5 100 M Sprint, Thrusters and Weighted Situps Kid’s Fitness Times: Jmac 25:42 (15/8) Chiri 20:56 (35/20) Utah 26:10 (45/30) Gordon 21:28 (45/10) Sean 20:35 (mod) O-Lift:...

Friday, 4/11/2014 WOD

Stacey and Abby got their first kipping pull up today!! WOOHOO! Great job ladies! CrossFit WOD: For Time 12-10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift (155/235) Pullups Ninja WOD: AMRAP in 25 minutes 15 Pullups 15 Burpees 15 KB Thrusters 150 Singles Warm Up: 400 M Run 500 M Row Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Deadlifts and Pullups or 3×5 Pullups, Burpees, KBT, JR Kipping skill work Times: Roberto 6:51 (235) Utah 6:29 (235) Jmac 10:54 (85) Abel 9:28 (185) Brian 8:19 (205) Jackie 4:52 (55) Ruth 8:09 (85) Phil 8:03 (165) McC 6:39 (205) Rosa 8:39 (105) Megan 8:27 (115) Alan 8:50 (185) Chiri 5:39 (155) Bo 16:25 (Row, thrusters, weighted situps) Ninjas: McC 3+50 Brian 3+40 D 3+20 Jackie 3 Brianna...

Thursday, 4/10/2014 WOD

“Hollywood’s Birthday WOD” Ben got his first bar muscle up yesterday. Congratulations!!!   4 Rounds for Time: 9 T2B 24 Wall Balls 24 Ring Pushups Warm Up: 400 M Run 3×12 Ball Slams Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up 5×5 T2B, WB, RP Kid’s Fitness Times: Ari 24:01 (10) Lili 20:05 (6) Abel 20:38 (20) D 19:31 (6) Ed 15:54 (8) Stacey 18:15 (12) McC 15:10 (20) Abby 15:46 (6) Jim C 14:54 (20) Hollywood 16:17 (20) Des 17:16 (6) Sophie 16:17 (6) Roberto 16:13 (20) Bo “Heavy Diane” Becky 6:06 Monday’s: Alec...

Wednesday, 4/9/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: “Alec’s Birthday Workout” 4 Rounds For Time 9 Power Cleans (95/135) 49 Double Unders Ninja WOD: 4 Rounds For Time 9 Pushups 9 High Knees 13 Goblet Squats 200 M Run Warm Up: 800 M Run 3×10 Barbell Lunges Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Power Cleans, starting light and working up to workout weight 10 Double Unders between each set Ninjas: Handstand skill work; 5×5 Pushups, High Knees, GS Times: Ivonne 8:19 (35) Mayra 12:21 (35) Abby 7:39 (75) Brian 9:50 (115) Alec 10:41 (95) Roberto 7:58 (135) Phil 7:08 (95) Ruth 7:21 (45) Jmac 12:16 (45) Hollywood 11:06 (135) Brianna 11:44 (45) Rosa 11:46 (75) Alan 10:46 (135) Nicole NFT Utah 7:30 (135) Chiri 7:41 (95) Tiff 10:00 (Ball Slams) Shay 11:45 (Ball Slams) Ninja: D 12:19 (12) Des 11:27 (8) Hunter 10:02 (16) Grady 9:58 (16) Karina 12:29 (8) O-Lift: Roberto...
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