Thursday, 10/9/2014 WOD

WOD: (18 minute time cap) 10 to 1 Squat Snatch (75/105)                                                                 Ring Dips HSPU Warm Up: 60 Double Unders/120 Singles Stretch: 3 Rounds 5 Primal Pull Throughs with Pushup 10 Lateral Lunges (5 each side) 3, 3 position snatch 5 Ring Dips 3 HSPU Dessert: 4×40 Weighted Walking Lunges with plate ovehead (25/45) Times: Christy 15:32 (mod) Karen 15:58 (mod) Sarena 15:59 (15) Lydia 16:45 (35) Joel (45) round of 3 JMac NFT Rosa 16:43 (45/mod) Hope 15:55 (35) Des 16:49 (65) KK 16:30 (15/mod) Michael (rd of 4) Dannelle 17:29 (15/mod) Ruth (rd of 5) Juarez (rd of 3) Bull (rd of 4) Analisa 17:23 (mod) Cristy+1 16:55 (mod) Stacey (rd of 7) Bo NFT Lindsay (rd of 3) Han 17:35 (25) Yess (rd of 4) Brook 9:12 (mod) Salena 11:02 (mod) Ricky 17:06...

Wednesday, 10/8/2014 WOD

WOD: For Time 5k Row OR 5k Run Warm Up: 200 M Run 250 M Row with split time less than 2 minutes Stretch: Old Stretch+20 Walking Lunges Run: Joel 34:04 Lydia 37:57 Hope 28:38 Juarez 26:10 Guru 27:50 Jason 22:50 Stacey 33:17 Hunter 26:32 Row: JMac 24:58 Jess 25:17 Jason 23:23 Lindsay 25:30 Michael 13:07 (2500) Roberto 23:02 Ru 24:28 Han 26:31 Tuesday: Gordon 19:04 (105) Max 20:36 Laura 11:47 (mod) Extra: Analisa Strength: Bo  ...

Tuesday, 10/7/2014 WOD

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time: 10 Push Press (95/135) 30 Stick Jumps 15 Pull ups (Can be substituted for 2 rope climbs) 30 Stick Jumps Warm Up: 400 M Run Stretch 3 Rounds 10 Hanging Pass Throughs 5 Push Press (start light and work up in weight) 5 Pullups 10 Stick Jumps Dessert: 3 Rounds 10 Barbell Rollouts 30 Bicycles Times: Christy 20:13 (45/b) Karen 20:03 (45/b) JMac 28:29 (55) Hope 21:28 (55/b) Lydia 26:26 (55/mod) Dannelle 20:08 (45/mod) Juarez 23:20 (105) Analisa 22:01 (85/mod) KK 20:47 (45/b) D 27:27 (55/b) Guru 28:41 (115/b) Abby 20:30 (mod) Shaira 22:47 (85/rope) Bo 18:56 (85) Keila 20:46 (45/b) Jason 16:25 (75) Cristy+1 16:20 (65/b) Jared 26:37 (95/b) Sean 20:08 (115) Han 20:09 (35/b) Hunter 15:17 (75) Chris W 19:47 (115) Trent 18:20 (105) Des W 21:27 (85) Roberto 15:50 (115/ropes) Jessi 17:37 (75) Ale 21:28 (75/b) Ricky 15:56 (95) Brook 19:09 (65/b) Intro:...

Monday, 10/6/2014 WOD

WOD: EMOM for 10 minutes 3 Hanging Squat Cleans (95/135) 5 Ring Push ups Warm Up: 500 M Row-try to keep the split time under 2:00 minutes Stretch: 10 Triplanar hip extention (5 each leg) 10 Russian KB Swing 10 Air Squats against a pole 3 High Haang Power Clean+Hang Squat Clean+Squat Clean from the ground (start light and work up in weight) Dessert: Tabata Wall Balls for 6 minutes Jessi (75) JMac  (75) ? Olya (40) 50 Anthony (165) 104 Juarez (95) 87 Andy (65) 74 D (65) 65 Yess (65) 69 Roberto (135) 67 Bo (95) 83 Des (95) ? Ale (95) ? Ruth (80) 54 Phil (95) 56 Guru NFR CQ (85) 75 Han (45) 57 Hunter (95) 78 Analisa (95) 60 Cristy+1 (85) Intro: Laurin...

Saturday, 10/4/2014 WOD

WOD: 200 M Run 21 Power Snatch (75/105) 400 M Run 15 Power Snatch (75/105) 800 M Run 9 Power snatches (75/105) Women can go up to 95# and men 135# Warm Up: 400 M Run Stretch: 10 Lateral Lunges 10 Primal Pull Throughs 3 Snatch Balance 3 Power Snatches-start light and work up in workout weight Times: Brook 15:46 (35) Des P 15:00 (35) Juarez 14:44 (75) Cristy+1 14:45 (55) Han 17:48 (35) Lilie 13:34 (mod) Roberto 18:15 (105) Max 14:25...
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