Friday, 10/3/2014

WOD: Fight Gone Bad Thrusters (65/95) KB Snatches (16/24) Pushups Stick Jumps Warm Up: 400 M Run Stretch: 3 Rounds 10 Prayer Stretch 10 Tactical Frog 5 Thrusters (start light and work up) 5 KB Snatches 5 Pushups 10 Stick Jumps Lydia 204 (45/8) JMac 201 (55/12) Hope 295 (55/8) Dannelle 160 (35/swings) D 253 (45/12) Juarez 255 (75/12) Cristy+1 217 (65/12) KK 198 (45/12) Guru 290 (95/16) Max 262 (65/16) Cody 266 (95/16) Chris W 309 (95/20) Andres 252 (95/16) Trent 285 (95/16) Otter 307 (95/10) Anthony 355 (95/24) Hunter 356 (mod) Han 278 (45/8) Yess 247 (65/12) Des 307 (65/12) Jason 330 (75/16) Keila 208...

Thursday, 10/2/2014 WOD

“Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Situps Warm Up: 50 Double Unders/150 Singles Stretch: Old Stretch Dessert: Walking Lunges with weighted barbell Lunge the length of gym and back. Down and back=1. Rest as needed between set. 1@65/95 1@75/105 1@85/115 2@95/135 Christy 8:23 Joel 9:42 Hope 9:53 Michael 15:18 Guru 13:35 Dannelle 18:20 Chelce 15:59 Lydia 12:20 Juarez 10:46 Stacey 11:20 Lilie 9:10 Layla 6:00 Hunter 9:02 Han 11:02 Jared 9:48 Gordon 7:35 Sean 6:14 Des 7:27 Roberto 7:01 Wednesday CQ 17:15 Intro: Julie 6:58 O-Lift: Shaira Bo...

Wednesday, 10/1/2014 WOD

AMRAP in 15 minutes 15 KB Swings 15 Ring Dips 15 T2B Warm Up: 500 M Row Stretch: 30 Air Squats then 3 Rounds 10 Pass Throughs 10 Around the World 5 KB Swings 5 Ring Dips 15 T2B Jess 3+30 (12) Bull 3+38 (16) Keila 4+40 (8) JMac 3+41 (12) Abby 4 (20) Hope 5+13 (16) Olya 10 (8) bench Otter 3+40 (20) Lindsay 4+30 (12) Juarez 3+40 (20) Guru 3+40 (20) Yess 4 (16) D 4+15 (16) Dannelle 4+30 (8) Michael 3 (12) 10 minutes Bo 3+42 (20) Shaira 5 (20) Anthony 4+37 (24) Jason 4 (20) Cristy+1 6 (12) Hunter 4+8 Han 4+9 Jacque 5 Jennifer 4+14 (16) Laura 5+21 (12)...

Monday, 9/29/2014 WOD

WOD: For Time: 40 Burpee Pull Ups (Scaled-Burpee step onto a box and jumping pull up) 60 Hand Release Push Ups 80 Jumping Lunges 100 Ab Mat Situps Warm Up: 400 M Run 500 M Row Stretch: 3 Rounds 10 Primal Pull Through with Push up 10 Pullups 10 Air Squats 10 Jumping Lunges 10 Ab Mat Situps Times: Lydia 21:09 Joel 12:45 (1/2) Anthony 18:50 Roberto 20:12 JMac 30:37 Chelce 15:20 (1/2) Juarez 24:33 Shannon 22:22 Otter 19:44 Yess 20:42 Guru 28:15 Jennifer 23:41 D 20:56 Jared 18:07 McC 17:52 Phil 25:50 Ruth 20:54 Jimmy 25:20 Chris 15:54 Stacey 19:51 Des 18:57 Hunter 19:00 Han 17:24 KK 21:42 Bo 20:03 Keila 14:50 Salena 13:10 (1/2) Abby 13:32 CQ 13:45 Ladder: Anthony 4850/4850 Bo’s B day: 8:13 (135/135) O-Lift:...

Saturday, 9/27/2014 WOD

WOD: 12 to 1 OHS (65/95) C2B Pullups Warm Up: 400 M Run Stretch: 3 Rounds 10 Hanging Pull Throughs 3×10 Sec KB squat hold 5 OHS 5 C2B Pullups Times: Hunter (135 BS, C2B) 16:46 Han (60 BS, C2B) 18:09 Chris W. 19:26 (75) Juarez 16:52 (scaled) Yesenia 20:02 (45/band) JMac 19:43 (55) Salena 18:20 (scaled) Jason 19:22...
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