WEDNESDAY, 12/27/2023

A. For time: 20 total kettlebell or db snatches (16/24) 30 total weighted  step ups (same weight as snatches) 40 up-downs 500 m row/ 1200 m bike 6 bar muscle ups 500 m row 40 up- downs 30 step ups 20 kb snatches Rest 3 minutes 3 rounds  NF of: 20 sit ups 20 strapped high...

TUESDAY, 12/26/2023

Part A: every 4 minutes for 24 minutes 1 minute plank (center, left, right) 500m row/ski (1200m bike, 400m run) scale the cardio so you get at least 1 minute of rest Part B: amrap 9 minutes 10 db thrusters (2x 20/30) 4 snatches...

SUNDAY, 12/24/2023

12 Days of Christmas (Part 2) 1 cluster 2 power cleans 3 power snatches 4 deadlifts 5 barbell jumps (L+R=1) 6 wall balls 7 pull ups 8 lunges, total 9 push ups 10 sit ups 11 knees to elbows 12 burpees...
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