FRIDAY, 12/22/2023

SCHEDULE ALERT 6AM, 9AM and 4PM only CFTN’s Christmas Taco Party @ 5PM “12 Days of Christmas” 1 burpee 2 pull ups 3 ring dips 4 lunges 5 toes to bar 6 push ups 7 kettlebell swings 8 sit ups 9 goblet squats 10 ft hand stand walk or 1 wall walk 11 sumo deadlift high pull 12 double unders/36...

MONDAY, 12/18/2023

Part A: death by box jump overs for 10 minutes start at 5 box jump overs Part B: every minute for 7 minutes 5-10 ring dips Part C: 6 rounds, 18 minute time cap 20 wall balls (14/20) 30 sumo deadlift high pulls...
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