SATURDAY, 11/25/2023

Let’s keep burning off the Turkey… A. Find a heavy Bear Complex (1 power clean+1 front squat+ 1 jerk + 1 back squat + 1 jerk from behind the head) B. Partner up: AMRAP in 25 minutes, alternating elements: P1. 12 kb swings (16/24) P2. 9 hand release push ups P1. 6  toes to bar…...

FRIDAY, 11/24/2023

Burn off your Turkey 6am canceled Part A: every 3 minutes for 12 minutes 500m row/ski (1200m bike, 400m run) Part B: every minute for 10 minutes 2 deadlifts 70-75% Part B: amrap 9 minutes 5 ring dips 20 total single arm db/kb push press, light...

THURSDAY, 11/23/2023

Happy Thanksgiving, CFTN 9am only Earn Your Turkey! Go to Dinner at Elizabeth’s house and enjoy: 21 power cleans 21 dips Then go to Dinner at Karen’s house and enjoy: 21 wall balls Then go to Dinner at Fran’s house and enjoy: 15 thrusters 15 pull ups Then go to Dinner at Angie’s house and enjoy: 21 push ups 21 sit ups 21 squats Then go to Dinner at Grace’ s house and enjoy: 15 clean and jerks Then go to Dinner at Isabel’s house and enjoy: 9 snatches And finally go for Dessert at Jackie’s house and enjoy: 1000m row  ...

WEDNESDAY, 11/22/2023

A. “Mama Joan” On a 22 min running clock Buy in: 70 calories on bike, row, or ski Then amrap in remaining time of: 11 pull ups 19 wall balls (14/20) 53 total walking lunges B. Take as much time as needed to find a 3 rep max of strict press...
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