THURSDAY, 9/21/2023

Part A: every 2 minutes for 10 minutes 6 front or back squats 70-75% Part B: every minute for 10 minutes 1-3 chin ups 1 negative chin up, 5 seconds down Part C: amrap 6 minutes 1 hang clean 30-40% 3 burpees add 1 hang clean every...

TUESDAY, 9/19/2023

Part A: every 2 minutes for 10 minutes 5 hollow rocks 4 beat swings 3 chest to bars or jumping pull ups 2 hip to bars or jumping chest to bars 1 strict pull up or deep ring row 3-5 muscle ups or jumping muscle ups Part B: 10 rounds, 20 minute cap 5 knees to elbows 10 db/kb strict press, light (2x 10/15) 20 double...

MONDAY, 9/18/2023

A. Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds 1 minute Wall Ball Shots (14/20) 1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (55/75) 1 minute Box Jumps (20/24) 1 minute Push Press (55/75) 1 minute Row (calories) 1 minute Rest. B. Take 15 to 20 minutes to find a heavy complex of : 1 power clean + 2 lunges...
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