FRIDAY, 3/17/2023

Part A: every 2 minutes for 10 minutes 3 deadlifts 80-85% 10 band pull aparts Part B: amrap 19 minutes 10 knees to elbows 20 push press (55/75) 10 toes to bars 400m run (500m row/ski, 1200m bike)

THURSDAY, 3/16/2023

A. amrap 6 minutes 6 squat snatches 55% of snatch 6 calories row/ski (4 calories bike) rest 2 minutes amrap 6 minutes 6 overhead squats with same weight 6 chin ups rest 2 minutes amrap 6 minutes 6 power snatches with same weight 6 chin ups rest 2 minutes 6 minutes max calories...

WEDNESDAY, 3/15/2023

Part A: every 1.5 minutes for 7.5 minutes minutes (5 rounds) 3 dumbbell bench press, heavy (2x 40/60) Part B: every minute for 5 minutes 3 strict handstand push ups or heavy seated db/kb press Part C: amrap 13 minutes 40 air squats 5 muscle ups 1 rope...
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