SUNDAY, 3/12/2023

“MAXTON” 13 rounds 8 Strict Pull-Ups 26 Box Step-Ups (24/20 in) 21 Burpees WEAR A VEST This workout is dedicated to Maxton Soviak, a Navy corpsman from Erie County, who was one of 13 Americans killed in the suicide bombing that took place at the Kabul, Afghanistan airport on August 26,...

THURSDAY, 3/9/2023

Part A: every 2.5 minutes for 12.5 minutes 4 strict press 75-80% 50 double unders or 100 singles or work on double unders Part B: 8 rounds, 8 minute cap 8 db/kb snatch, heavy (35/60) 8 sit ups Part C: 6×3 back squat @...
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