Sunday, 6/16/2019

Sunday, 6/16/2019

“Moden” AMRAP in 37 minutes of: 12 Front Squats (55/75) 12 Pull Ups 12 Shoulder to Overhead (55/75) 12 Burpees over th bar The Colorado State Patrol identified Saturday morning the trooper struck and killed Friday night on Interstate 70 between Limon and Peoria. Trooper William Moden, 37, was killed while assisting a crash on the side of the highway in Arapahoe County.  Moden is the fifth trooper to be killed on Colorado roads since 2015. About 9:40 p.m. Friday, Moden, a 12 year state patrol veteran, stopped to investigate a crash outside his patrol vehicle on eastbound Interstate 70 near Deer Trail, Sgt. Blake White, a State Patrol spokesman, said. While tending to the car, Moden was struck by another...

Saturday, 6/15/2019

Partner Open Workout 19.1 AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 19 calorie row 19 wall balls (14/20) Partner A rows, while partner B does wall balls. Swith, and once both partners complete both elements that is a round.

Friday, 6/15/2019

A. 3 rounds NFT of: 6 power cleans 4 hang power cleans 2 hang squat cleans Add weight after each round B. For time: 10 back squats @60-65% from rack 200 meter run 30 burpees 400 meter run 30 burpees 200 meter run 10 back squats @...

Thursday, 6/13/2019

A. 3 rounds NFT of: 10 double dumbbell or kb rows 10 high knees 30 second hand stand hold B. For time Buy in: 50 calorie row 5 rounds of: 10 Toes to Bar 35 Double Unders 10 Hand Stand Push ups (try as many strict as you can, and finish the set kipping) Cash out: 50 calorie...
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