Wednesday, 7/16/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: AMRAP in 4 Minutes 30 Mountain Climbers 15 Ball Slams Rest 3 minutes AMRAP in 4 Miniutes 10 Pushups 20 Jumping Lunges Ninja: AMRAP in 16 Minutes 60 Mountain Climbers 20 Ball Slams 10 Pushups 20 Jumping Lunges Warm Up: 400 M Run 100 JR Singles alternating feet Stretch: 2 Rounds 10 Ankle Joint Mobilization, each ankle 10 Mountain Climbers 10 Primal Pull Throughs 10 Ball Slams 5 Pushups 10 Lunges (walking, then jumping) Tina 3+43/3+10 Chiri 4+41/4+4 Nate 4/5 Lydia 3/2+11 Sarena 3+20/3 Shaira 4+12/4/10 Brian 2+37/2 Andrea 4+35/4+10 JMac 2+35/2+3 Dave 5/4 KK 3+20/2+9 Roberto 4+33/4+14 Alec 4/3+6 Abel 4+30/3+28 Dani 3+37/2+10 Utah 4+12/5+10 Dan 2+39/3+5 Stacey 3+36/3+15 Trevor 4+38/5+9 Dan 2+39/3+5 Han 3+30/3+25 Hunter 4+30/4+24 McC 4+38/5+7 Jessica 3+38/3+10 Mayra 3+10 Natalia 5/6 Andy 3+33/3+4 Jennifer 4/2+18 Laura 4-5+5 Ninja: D 4+60 Mini McC...

Tuesday, 7/15/2014 WOD

5 Rounds For Time 12 Box Jumps (20/24)-(scaled, Low Box Jumps or High Box Steps) 12 Front Squat (95/135)-(scaled, goblet squat to wall ball or box) 10 Burpee Pull ups (Scaled-Burpee then 2 horizontal ring rows) Warm Up: 800 M Run Stretch: 3 Rounds 30 Sec Tactical Frog 5 Front Squats-progress up in weight each rounds 10 KB Windmill (5 each side) Rd1: 10 RR, Rd2: 5 Strict, Rd 3: 5 Jumping Pullups Times: Otter 23:54 (135) Abomb 25:28 (115) Karen 23:30 (45) Andy 23:10 (45) B 23:30 (55) Shannon 21:41 (45) Mayra 22:00 (45) Roberto 22:22 (135) Abby 25:22 (95) Nate 25:37 (135) JMac 23:01 (55) Lester 24:42 (55) KK 24:42 (45) Brian 27:15 (85) Smiley 22:09 (135) Abel 30:09 (135) Dan 25:32 (85) Anthony 18:48 (135) McC 26:50 (135) Utah 25:57 (135) Chiri 19:19 (95) CQ 18:00 (mod) Bo 19:40 (mod) Shaira 23:56 (65) Sean 24:26 (115) Des W 24:31 (65) Jessica 23:51 (55) Intro: Salena...

Monday, 7/14/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: EMOM for 15 minutes 4 OHS (65/95)-you may go up 10 pounds if you would like to lift heavier for this wod. 4 Ring Dips Rest 2 minutes 10 TGU for quality (16/24)-total Ninja WOD: 4 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats 10 Reverse Lunges with bicep curl (total) rest 1 minute 4 rounds 8 TGU 200 M Run Warm Up 400 M Run Stretch 2 Rounds: 50 Singles Jump Ropes alternating feet 30 sec prayer stretch with PVC, each side 4 Baby Getups each side Rowing Intro: Tina 11:17 Casey 12:41 WOD: JMac (55) Lydia (35) Roberto (95) Smiley (95) Ru (95) Abel (75) Yessi (35) Jim (95) Hunter (75) Stacey (65) Chiri (75) Bo (65) Alan (95) Alejandra (35) Dave (55) Shaira (75) Utah (115) Anthony (115) Han (25) Trevor (75) Caroline (15) Ninja: Des 19:29 D 23:32 Andrea 19:44 Kerri...

Saturday, 7/12/2014 WOD

WOD: Run 1 mile (timed) Rest 3 minutes 3 Position Clean 60%x2, 65%x2 Power Jerk+Jerk 60% (2+1)x2, 65% (2+1)x2 Clean & Jerk 55%x3, 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x3, 75%x3 Warm Up: 200 M Run 50 Double Unders/150 Singles Stretch: Clean Instructional Jerk Instructional Putting It Together Instructional then 3 Rounds 10 Baby Getups with Press (5 each side) 5 Strict Press (35/45)-move up in weight with each round 10 Kneeling Rotations (5 each side) 5 Power Cleans (35/45)-move up in weight with each round Times: Brian 9:23 KMac 9:58 Hunter 7:40 Andy 8:14 Utah 7:43 Chiri 7:52 Otter 8:42 McC 6:45 Gordon 7:39 Han 16:20 (mod) Intro: Salena 3+38 Lily...

Friday, 7/11/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD:  10 to 1 Power Snatch (65/95) Stick Jumps (Prison Rules) Pull Ups (Kipping only) Ninja WOD: AMRAP in 15 Minutes 10 Man Makers 20 Stick Jumps 10 Pullups (Scaled-ring rows-get horizontal, no bands) Warm Up: 800 M Run Stretch: 3 Rounds 2 Crab Walks 10 Primal Pull Throughs 10 Hanging Pull Throughs Times: KK 16:55 (35) Abel 15:48 (95) Mike 15:33 (95) Tim 17:19 (75) JMac 21:55 (55) Andy 19:20 (45) Andrea 17:00 (15) Brian 17:43 (75) Utah 11:31 (95) Chiri 13:11 (65) Jim 20:09 (75) Alyson 15:41 (55) Roberto 11:47 (95) McC 13:04 (95) Anthony 10:39 (95) Smiley 13:59 (95) Otter 12:58 (95) Bo 14:04 (65) Dan 19:28 (75) Yess 19:22 (mod) Ninja: D 3+38 (12) Des W 3+10...
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