Sunday, 8/22/2021

“Bootcamp” AMRAP in 28 minutes204 meter Run12 Box Jumps (24/20 in)3 Power Snatches (135/95 lb)20 BurpeesCash-Out: 146 Double-Unders Background: This hero workout is dedicated to Ptlm. Cassie Johnson, a Charleston, West Virginia police officer shot in the line of duty, who died December 3, 2020. Police Officer Cassie Johnson responded to a report of an SUV parked in someone’s driveway. The driver of the vehicle got into a verbal dispute with Officer Johnson when she arrived on location. At some point during the confrontation, the suspect pulled a gun and callously shot her in the face. Though gravely wounded, Cassie was able to draw her service weapon and get off two rounds which struck the suspect in his chest before she collapsed. For two days doctors worked tirelessly to save the officer, but it was eventually determined that Cassie’s wounds would be unsurvivable. She remained on life support so that her organs could be donated to help save others. Patrolman Cassie Johnson was a three year veteran of law enforcement. She served as a Humane Officer for before joining the Charleston Police Department. Cassie was a devoted daughter, sister, friend and lover of all animals. Her unit number 146 was permanently retired with the Charleston Police Department. Officer Johnson was 28-years old. This workout was designed by CrossFit WV @crossfitwv (Charleston, WV, USA) as a memorial and their workout of the day for December 9, 2020. The rep scheme signifies:– 28 minutes for her age when she passed away– 204 meter was the number of the vehicle she drove– 12/3/20 reps for the date when she passed away– 146 Double-Unders for Officer...

Saturday, 8/21/21

Take 10 minutes to work on a skill or your 2021 fitness goals Partner up 30-20-10 kettlebell swings (16/24) Sit ups 30-20-10 Wall balls (14/20) Push ups 30-20-10 Calorie Row Pull ups 30-20-10 Goblet squats (16/24) OH plate lunges, total...

Friday, 8/20/2021

Part A: 1 mile run/2000m row/1800m ski/ 4800m bike Part B:10×2 bench press 80-85% Part :Every minute for 20 minutes3 pull ups (c2b, if you can)4 sit ups (ghd, if you can)5 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull...

Thursday, 8/19/2021

Part A:4×6 back squat 70% (do front squats, if you did back squats Wednesday) Part B:AMRAP in 6 minutes5 burpees10 push press 45% rest 3 minutes AMRAP in 6 minutes5 burpees10 squat cleans with same weight as push press C. 7 minute...

Wednesday, 8/18/2021

A. Back squat 5×5 @ B. EMOM in 20 minutes, alternating between Min 1: 7-10 kettlebell clean and jeks, left arm (16/24) Min 2: 7-10 kettlebell clean and jerks, right arm (16/24) Min 3: 2-4 bar or ring muscle ups Min 4: 10-12 box jumps...
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