Friday, 8/27/2021

Part A:2 mile run Part B:Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes8 chest to bar Part C: Amrap 7 minutes5 each arm kettlebell strict press light (2x 8/12)15 kettlebell deadlifts, same weight hold kettlebells in both hands while strict...

Wednesday, 8/25/2021

A. EMOM for as long as possible 3 thrusters (55/75) 3 pull ups (5 ring rows) 3 burpees If you are still going strong at the 10 minute mark, please increase the reps to 5 thrusters, 5 pull ups (9 ring rows) and 5 burpees within a minute for as long as possible. If you are still going strong at the 15 minute mark, please increase the reps to 7 thrusters, 7 pull ups (12 ring rows) and 7 burpees If you are still going strong at the 20 minute mark, please increase the reps to 10 thrusters, 10 pull ups (15 ring rows) and 10 burpees Once you fail a round, cut reps in half, and continue with the emom until the last person in the class is done… B. 7 minute abs, if there is time...

Tuesday, 8/24/2021

Part A:6×3 tempo back squats 45%3 seconds down3 seconds at the bottom3 seconds up1 second at the top Part B:Amrap 4 minutes5 ring dips20 double unders rest 2 minutes Amrap 4 minutes5 ring dips20 double unders every 2 minutes starting at 02 power snatch 65% C. 7 minute...
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