Saturday, 7/17/2021

Partner up: Buy in: 1000m row/ski or 2400m bike “Grace” 30 clean and jerks (95/135) Rest 3 minutes “Isabel” 30 snatches (95/135) Cash out: 1000m row or ski/2400m bike Split meters and reps any way you...

Friday, 7/16/2021

A. 5 sets of the following complex: Power snatch + overhead squat+ squat snatch + 2 total overhead lunges. Add weight after each set B. AMRAP in 20 minutes of: Wall balls (14/20) Every time you rest or put the ball down, run 400 meters Score is total number of wall balls. C. 7 minute...

Thursday, 7/15/2021

A. Take 20 minutes to find a heavy deadlift for the day. B. 4 rounds of: 10 box jumps (20/24) 10 ring dips 10 calorie row or ski , or 7 calories on bike EMOM, starting at 0:00, 3 deadlifts at 50% of today’s heavy C. 7 minute...

Tuesday, 7/13/2021

A. NFT 10 goblet squats (16/24) 20 push ups 300 meter run 4 bar or ring muscle ups 300 meter run 20 push ups 10 goblet squats B. 3 rounds for time of: 10 squat cleans @ 65% 20 toes to bar 30 double unders C. 7 minute...
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