Friday, 5/15/2020

Buy in: 500 meter row 5 rounds of: 6 squat cleans (95/135) 7 ring dips 8 v-ups Cash out: 500 meter row Guru’s Stay home workout Cash in: 800m run Then without taking a break As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes 8 deadlift, medium 50-60% 16 burpees 32 weighted russian twists Then, immediately after the amrap (no break) Cash out: 800m run Only do the runs at the beginning and end of the whole workout, NOT every round. Modifying: Run: Any cardio for 4-5 minutes. Jump rope and mountain climbers: switch off between the two, 4-5 minutes of either would be a lot. Run in place: the higher you lift your legs and the more you pump your arms, the harder this will be. Row: 1000 meters Bike: 2400 meters Deadlifts: These can be done with any kind of weight you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc… If you use a lighter weight, increase your reps. You can use 1 or 2 kettlebells, 1 will be light, increase reps 🙂 Good mornings: without weight. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds. Keep your back straight, cross your arms in front of your chest and focus on those glutes/hams. At body weight it can be easy to just smash out a bunch of these without thinking, don’t do that. Work to keep your body in strong solid positions. Weighted russian twist: These can be done with whatever kind of weight you have and are comfortable with using (or none at all). Ankle touches: lay down on the ground, bend your knees, alternate touching your ankles. Here is...

Thursday, 5/14/2020

For time: Buy in: 800 meter run 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of: Strict press (45/65) Box Jumps (20/24) Cash out: 800 meter run/1000 row GURU’S STAY HOME WORKOUT Part A: 5 sets of 5 reps of deadlift at 70-80% – h2 Part B: As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes 30 air squats 15 bent over rows, light or 10 kipping pull ups 1 minute plank Modifying: Deadlifts: These can be done with any kind of weight you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc… If you use a lighter weight, increase your reps. You can use 1 or 2 kettlebells, 1 will be light, increase reps 🙂 Tempo good mornings: without weight. 5 seconds down, 2 seconds at the bottom, 5 seconds up. Keep your back straight, cross your arms in front of your chest and focus on those glutes/hams. At body weight it can be easy to just smash out a bunch of these without thinking, don’t do that. Work to keep your body in strong solid positions. Air squats: Step ups: if you have a big box (12 or more inches high), do 20 alternating step ups. If you have a small box do 30 alternating step ups. If you have no box, find some stairs, do 30 alternating step ups on the bottom stair. Bent over rows: These can be done with whatever kinds of weights that you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, milk jugs, etc… Kipping pull ups: try to get your chin over the bar with a straight neck. Don’t lift your chin for that extra inch, make your arms pull you all the way up. Anything from...

Tuesday, 5/12/2020

A. 4 rounds of: 20 calories bike 15 toes to bar 10 hand release push ups 5 thrusters (65/95) B. Stay home workouts from Guru’s Chest Every 5 minutes for 35 minutes (7 rounds) 5 dumbbell bench press 20 sit ups 5 strict pull ups 300m run Modifying: Dumbbell bench press: Barbell bench press: go a little bit heavier than you would with dumbbells. Dumbbell floor press: lay on the floor and press like you would on the bench. You lose some range of motion and the floor is going to hold a lot of the weight at the bottom, but its still good for working your chest 🙂 Push ups: double the reps. No knee pushups, if you want to make these easier, put your hands on a raised surface like a kitchen counter, or up against a wall. Keep your hips straight, flex those guts n butts! Sit ups: Leg raises: during a leg raise, when your legs are straight up in the air, your lower back should be touching the floor. Its fine if your back is arched when your legs are on the floor (I’m pretty sure it has to be), but try not to have that arch through the entire movement. Weighted Russian twist: with a light weight, do twice as many as sit ups. Strict pull ups: Whatever you do, stay on the heavier/harder side, strict pull ups are about building strength. Banded strict: if you have bands and a pull up bar. Barbell pull up: if you have a barbell, a barbell rack and you feel safe doing pull ups on your...
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