Monday, 5/11/2020

Back to the gym 🙂 Sign up sheet will be up by 7pm on the CFTN’S Facebook group page. A. For time Buy in: 1000 meter row 5 rounds of: 7 burpees 7 pull ups Cash out: 1000 meter row B. Stay home workout from Guru’s chest Part A: 5 sets of 4 reps of back squat at 70-80% Part B: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes 20 Bent over rows, light or 15 kipping pull ups 25 russian kettlebell swings, heavy 600m run More cardio than you’re expecting! Start with a nice strength set of back squats. Pay attention to your hips/pelvis, are you rotating your pelvis/arching your back when you start the lift? Crunch your butts and guts, before you start moving and all the way through the lift. Keep a nice solid straight back through the entire movement. Low weight, high reps on the bent over rows. We want to feel our lats get tired on these. Don’t think of the light weight as something you can just throw around without thinking. Really pay attention to what your body is doing, what muscles you’re using. Are you shrugging your shoulders up? Push then down, away from your ears. Are you using your biceps a lot? Focus on pulling the bar into your hip crease and using your lats to do it (overdue it with the lats 🙂 ). Is your back rounding? Engage your glutes and lats, straighten out. Try to go unbroken on the kettlebell swings. Your legs and forearms are going to be feeling this after a round or two, don’t give...

Sunday, 5/10/2020

LAST DAY (55) of the stupid coronavirus shutdown Gym will be open tomorrow HAPPY Mother’s Day! Buy in: 400 meter run 3 rounds of : Using your mom’s birthday Box jumps (month) Push ups (day) Air squats (19) Double unders (year) Cash out: 400 meter...

Friday, 5/8/2020

Day 53 of the stupid coronavirus shut down From Guru’s chest Part A: 5 sets of 4 reps of bench press at 70-80% Part B: As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes 2 deadlift, heavy 70-80% 20 air squats rest 30 seconds Your legs? En fuego. Be safe in the bench press, if you don’t have a spotter, don’t go heavier than you can handle, don’t put clips on your bar. Think about flexing your chest, shoulders, and upper back. Make everything around your shoulders as solid as possible. You’re going to be doing a bunch of heavy deadlifts in a very short time, be careful with your weight. If the weight you choose is hard before the workout, it is going to be much harder in the workout. REALLY focus on your back and abs today. Keep your abs and lats FLEXED, the whole time, even and especially when you are tired. If you feel your back rounding, stop and take a break or scale your reps down, be nice to your back! Your legs are probably (hopefully 🙂 ) going to be tired pretty quick, try not to let yourself collapse into the bottom of squats. Stay in control of your squats, all the way down, all the way up. Keep your knees out and your back straight. Don’t forget to rest for 30 seconds! Scaling: Lower the weight on the deadlift, increase the reps. We’re hitting the front and back of our legs today, would rather have the heavy weight, but you’ll feel it with a lighter weight and more reps too ;). Modifying: Bench...

Thursday, 5/7/2020

Day 52 of the stupid coronavirus shut down From Guru’s Chest 4 rounds for time, 30 minute time cap 400m run 15 push ups 25 sit ups 8 back squats, medium 50-60% Working on all the basics today 🙂 If you finish in less than 18 minutes, do a fifth round (you sprinter you 😛 ) Be sure to warm up for the run, get some stretching in, don’t want to pull anything. Look out in front of you in the push ups. You only need to look about 6 inches in front of yourself, just enough that you aren’t looking down at the ground and rounding your back. Also think about where your hands and elbows are today. We want our elbows to be in pretty close to our ribs, not flapping out wide like wings ;). This way might feel harder, but is much easier on your shoulders. As always with the sit ups, try to relax at the top and bottom. Don’t stay flexed the whole time. Try sitting up straight, with a straight back at the top, hard to stay crunched if you’re doing that. Pay attention to what your hips are doing in the back squat. Are they coming up at the same speed as your shoulders? Are you rotating your pelvis at any point? We don’t want that, keep your pelvis (and lower back) locked in place, a nice strong foundation for the rest of your body. Scaling: If the first round takes longer than 6 minutes, lower your reps. Modifying: Run: Any cardio for 2-2:30 minutes. Probably don’t want to do burpees...
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