Thursday, 5/14/2020

For time:

Buy in: 800 meter run

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:

Strict press (45/65)

Box Jumps (20/24)

Cash out: 800 meter run/1000 row


Part A:
5 sets of 5 reps of deadlift at 70-80% – h2

Part B:
As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes
30 air squats
15 bent over rows, light or 10 kipping pull ups
1 minute plank

These can be done with any kind of weight you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc… If you use a lighter weight, increase your reps. You can use 1 or 2 kettlebells, 1 will be light, increase reps 🙂
Tempo good mornings: without weight. 5 seconds down, 2 seconds at the bottom, 5 seconds up. Keep your back straight, cross your arms in front of your chest and focus on those glutes/hams. At body weight it can be easy to just smash out a bunch of these without thinking, don’t do that. Work to keep your body in strong solid positions.

Air squats:
Step ups: if you have a big box (12 or more inches high), do 20 alternating step ups. If you have a small box do 30 alternating step ups. If you have no box, find some stairs, do 30 alternating step ups on the bottom stair.

Bent over rows:
These can be done with whatever kinds of weights that you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, milk jugs, etc…
Kipping pull ups: try to get your chin over the bar with a straight neck. Don’t lift your chin for that extra inch, make your arms pull you all the way up.
Anything from here keep it light or body weight.

Static leg raise: lay down with your back on the ground, lift your feet about 6 inches off the floor, hold them there for 1 minute. Putting your hands under your butt will help with this. Crunch your guts! Your lower back should be touching or trying to touch the ground.
Seated hold: sit like you are going to do russian twist, with both your back and your feet off the ground. Do not twist, just hold this seated position.

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