Friday, 5/15/2020

Buy in: 500 meter row

5 rounds of:

6 squat cleans (95/135)

7 ring dips

8 v-ups

Cash out: 500 meter row

Guru’s Stay home workout

Cash in: 800m run
Then without taking a break

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
8 deadlift, medium 50-60%
16 burpees
32 weighted russian twists

Then, immediately after the amrap (no break)
Cash out: 800m run

Only do the runs at the beginning and end of the whole workout, NOT every round.

Any cardio for 4-5 minutes.
Jump rope and mountain climbers: switch off between the two, 4-5 minutes of either would be a lot.
Run in place: the higher you lift your legs and the more you pump your arms, the harder this will be.
Row: 1000 meters
Bike: 2400 meters

These can be done with any kind of weight you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc… If you use a lighter weight, increase your reps. You can use 1 or 2 kettlebells, 1 will be light, increase reps 🙂
Good mornings: without weight. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds. Keep your back straight, cross your arms in front of your chest and focus on those glutes/hams. At body weight it can be easy to just smash out a bunch of these without thinking, don’t do that. Work to keep your body in strong solid positions.

Weighted russian twist:
These can be done with whatever kind of weight you have and are comfortable with using (or none at all).
Ankle touches: lay down on the ground, bend your knees, alternate touching your ankles. Here is a quick video
Seated hold: sit like you are going to do russian twist, with both your back and your feet off the ground. Do not twist, just hold this seated position for 40 seconds.

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