Wednesday, 2/14/2018

Happy Valentine’s Day Yoga Tonight @ 6PM Burpee Challenge: 45/56 Warm Up: Coach’s choice + 14 Wall Balls C.- Partner Workout “Heartbreaker” 100 Box jumps (20/24) 90 Goblet squats (16/24) 100 Wall balls (14/20) 80 V ups 100 Overhead lunges, total (25/45) 70 Weighted step ups, total (12inch box, use two kettlebells) 100 Hand release pushups 60 Burpees * Break down reps any way you like Cash out: 6 minute plank, total time between...

Tuesday, 2/13/2018

Burpee Challenge: 44/57 Warm up: Coach’s choice + 13 wall balls C.- EMOM for 8 minutes: 1 Strict Shoulder Press (Pair up with someone using same weights) Loads per set (by %): 55 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Then rest two minutes before starting… Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of: 1 Strict Shoulder Press x 1 rep (take this as your opportunity to build to a new 1-RM) at 30 past the hour AMRAP in 2 minutes of: 6 Push Presses (95/135) 12 Ring Dips Rest 2 minutes, and repeat for a total of 4 sets – 16 minutes total time, 8 minutes of work. at 53 past the hour EMOM for 6 minutes: Minute 1 – 8-10 Ring Rows Minute 2 – 45 Second Plank...

Monday, 2/12/2018

Burpee Challenge: 43/58 Warm up: Coach’s choice +12 wall balls C.- Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets) Bench Press x Max Reps @ 90% at 40 past the hour For time: 1000 Meter row 30 Hand release push ups 30 Pull ups 30 Kettlebell swings (16/24) Rest 2 minutes 30 Kettlebell swings (16/24) 30 Pull ups 30 Hand release push ups 1000 Meter row N.- For time: 20 Rounds of: 10 Walking Lunges, total 3...

Sunday, 2/11/2018

“Micah Flick” 34 Double unders then 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 of: Front squats (95/135) Burpees then 34 GHD Sit ups El Paso County Sheriff’s Deputy Micah Flick, was killed on Monday February 5th, in a shooting that left three other officers wounded. It was his 11 anniversary in the force. He was 34 years old. Flick is survived by his wife and 7 year old...

Saturday, 2/10/2018

Burpee Challenge: 41/60 Warm up: Coach’s choice + 10 wall balls C.- In Teams of 2: Buy in 100 hang power cleans (75/115) then 3 rounds of: 50 pull ups 50 burpees over the bar 50 calorie row 50 box jumps (20/24) Cash out 100 hang power cleans (75/115) *45 minute time...
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