Friday, 9/19/2014 WOD

EMOM for 10 Minutes: 10 KB Single Arm OHS (5 each arm) (heavy) then 4 Rounds For Time 15 Ring Dips 20 Wall Balls (14/20) 10 Burpee Over Box Jumps Warm Up: 70 Double Unders/210 Singles Stretch: KB Squat Hold for 10 Seconds 5 KB OHS 5 Ring Dips 5 Wall Balls 5 Burpee Over Box Jumps Times: Sarena 27:19 Andy 29:10 Anthony 23:08 Lydia 24:57 Kayla 20:48 Roberto 28:06 JMac 33:02 Hope 24:53 Brian 32:30 Olya NFT Juarez 33:10 Guru 37:26 Cristy 24:24 Smiley 26:45 Dave 28:41 RU-PT Prep work Bo 32:26 Han 33:32 Hunter 29:07 Des 31:13 Yesenia 32:25 Abby 27:35 Jim M 29:24 Lyl (Intro WOD)...

Thursday, 9/18/2014 WOD

For Time: 10 dead lifts (155/225) 200 meter run 10 power cleans (115/165) 200 meter run 10 shoulder to overhead (95/135) 200 meter run 10 power snatches (75/115) 200 meter run 10 over head squats  (65/95) 200 meter run Warm up: 400 meter run old stretch Wod specific warm up: barbell Times: Sarena 12:32 (scaled) Karen 12:58 (sc) Christy 13:39 (sc) Hope 14:37 (sc) Keyla 14:27 (sc) Jessi 16:57 Jess 14:55 (sc) Shannon 15:50 (sc) Roberto 17:07 Guru Dan 15:03 (sc) Juarez 15:51 (sc) Brian 16:33 (sc) Jim S 16:42 Dave 13:50 (sc) Cristy+1 11:28 (sc) Gordon 13:29 (sc) Han 13:48 (sc) Hunter 11:47 (mod) Des 16:02 (sc) CQ 18:36 (sc) Andy 18:32 (sc) Sean 14:38 Nicole 15:38 (sc) Jessica 15:55 (sc) Brook 14:50 (sc) Salena 18: 20 “Fran” JMac 9:22 (55) Keila 5:43 (25/rr) Bo 7:14 (65) Abby 8:41...

Wednesday, 9/17/2014 WOD

WOD: “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters Pullups Warm Up: 60 Double Unders 15 Burpees 60 Double Unders Stretch 3 Rounds 10 Passthroughs 5 Wall Balls 5 ring rows (1 rnd), 5 strict (2nd rnd), 5 pullups (3rd rnd) 5 Thrusters-start light and work up in weight Times: Trevor 8:18 (95) Lydia 8:07 (35/pushups) Hope 7:01 (50/rr) Anthony (95) Andy 9:16 (55/band) Han 11:11 (45/band) Brian 11:28 (85/band) Yess 9:39 (55/band) Heather 13:30 (55/band) Juarez 7:40 (80) Guru NFT McC 9:00 (95) Dave 7:46 (75/rr) Max NFT Brooks 4:35 (95) Shaira 11:00 (55) Jason 9:40 (65) Roberto 6:44 (95) Adrian 11:57...

Tuesday, 9/16/2014 WOD

WOD: 3 Rounds 500 M Row 400 M Run The slowest time is the athlete’s score 🙂 Warm Up: 2×200 M Run Stretch Old Stretch Row Instructional 250 M Row Dessert: 4 Rounds for quality 10 Barbell roll outs 10 Spiderman push ups 20 V-ups Times: Abby 4:45 Keila 6:42 JMac 5:11 Lydia 5:44 Jessi 5:46 Hope 4:37 Heather 6:05 Lindsay 4:40 Anthony 3:43 Juarez 4:28 Shannon 5:17 Phil 4:37 Sean 4:15 Guru 5:14 Ruth 4:39 Hunter 4:14 Han 5:13 Des 4:58 Yess 4:59 Chris 4:00 Jim 5:36 Gordon 4:20 CQ 5:46 Jason 4:22 Brook 4:45 Jim M 5:06 Salena 6:21 Shaira NFT Roberto NFT “Cindy” Abby 14 O-Lift:...

Monday, 9/15/2014 WOD

5 rounds for time of: 6 Squats snatches (65/95) 8 Toes to bars Warm Up: 1000 meter row 3×20 pull overs Stretch 10 pvc pass throughs 10 pvc ohs 10 pvc snatch balance 2 rounds of: 3 position squat snatch t2b progression Times: Nicole 16:44 (65/k2e) Roberto 10:42 (95) JMac 15:34 (65) Jessi 9:35 (65/k2e) Lindsay 9:35 (40/k2e) Yess 12:33 (55/k2e) Juarez 11:54 (65) Anthony 5:56 (95) Jimmy 8:38 (95/k2e) Cristy+1 5:27 (55/k2e) Han 9:36 (25/k2e) Stacey 9:51 (55/k2e) Ruth 11:05 (55/k2e) McC 7:39 (75) Chris 7:58 (75) Des 8:14 (65/k2e) Salena 8:26 (mod) Phil 6:06 (mod) Hunter ? Abby 7:51 (65/k2e) Cindy: Anthony  ...
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