Wednesday, 2/12/2014 WOD

WOD: “FRAN” 21-15-9 Thrusters, (65/95) Pull Ups Ninja WOD: Tabata 1-Box Jumps 1 minute rest Tabata 2-Goblet Squats 1 minute rest Tabata 3-Pushups Warm Up: 30 Double Unders 30 Backward jumps 30 Double Unders 4×20 Pull Overs Wod Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Thrusters Pull Up warm up Times: Brooks 4:34 (95) Melissa NFT Roberto 6:50 (95) McC 10:57 (95) Hollywood 9:28 (95) Robert 9:46 (85) Javi 11:21 (75) Jim 7:21 (75) Ru 9:48 (65) Stacey 10:43 (55) Abby 8:40 (45) Jess 9:00 (15) Tyler 7:10 (Step ups, weighted sit ups, ring rows) Ninja: Kayla 187 O-Lift: Roberto...

Tuesday, 2/11/2014 WOD

WOD: For Time: 10 Power Snatches (Heavy) 15 Burpees 10 OHS (Heavy) 15 Burpees 10 Squat Snatches (Heavy) 15 Burpees The same weight will be used for the PS, OHS, and SN. Warm Up: Leap Frogs the length of gym, jog back, and repeat for 3 rounds. With the Leap Frogs, you will start in a squat position and jump as far as you can forward, landing in the squat position. Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 PS, SN, and Burpees Times: Ru 11:43 (45) Sean 7:21 (45) Lili 11:11 (35) Abel 11:10 (75) Utah 11:20 (115) Bo 7:20 (45) Jim 8:31 (95/55) Robert 8:39 (75) Brooks 8:00 (115) Abbey 9:51 (55) Stacey 10:12 (40) Roberto 10:24 (105) McC 7:38 (45) Hollywood 8:33 (65) Chiri 9:12 (55) Vic NFT Jess 11:07 Monday’s: D 6+10 (12/6) Brian 8 (16/10) Cindy: Big C (gazillion) Strength: Becky O-Lift: Roberto Robert McC...

Monday, 2/10/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: AMRAP in 15 minutes: 15 Wall Balls 10 KB Swings 5 Strict Pull ups Ninja WOD: Tabata 1-Box Jumps 1 minute rest Tabata 2-Goblet Squats 1 minute rest Tabata 3-Pushups Warm Up: 100 Jumping Jacks 4×15 V-ups Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Wall Balls, KB Swings, Strict Pull ups Rounds: Ru 5+5 (12/12) Lauren 7 (12-16/8) Senior 6+17 (24/20) Abby 6 (12/8) Megan 4 (16/10) Lili 6+15 (12/6) Brooks 7+6 (24/20) Ryan 6+15 (24/20) Utah 7+1 (24/20) Robert 6+12 (20/20) Bo 6+28 (16/10) Jim 6+18 (24/20) Stacey 5+18 (16/10) Jes 6+1 (8/8) Sean 6+12  (20/20) Kayla 9+24 (mod) O-Lift: Robert...

Saturday, 2/8/2014 WOD

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time 10 Hanging Power Clean (95/135) 10 Push Jerk (95/135) 30 Abmat Situps Warm Up: 60 Double Unders/180 Singles 3×20 Ball Slams Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Hanging Power Cleans, Push Jerk, and Abmat Situps Times: McC 11:09 (85) Robert 10:50 (85) Brooks 12:54 (115) Utah 11:54 (115) Roberto 14:04 (115) Hollywood 16:29 (105) Kim 10:29 (35) CQ 16:50 (65) Becky 11:51 (65) Bo 11:24 (55) Kayla 8:49 (mod) Ninja: CQ Kim Roberto...


Attention LOVERS!!!!! 2 for 1 Special  February is Couple’s Month at CrossFit Terra Nova !!!! Sign up as a couple during February, and only one of you will pay for your first month. Who will pay? You are on your own for that one 😉 Call us today for more details, or simply show up to any of our classes ready to do an AMAZING workout!!! 720-231-7834/...
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