Tuesday, 3/22/2016

“Rock” rock

Today at 3 pm a group of about 30 Marines will be performing this workout at our gym.
The rest of us will be honoring Sgt Renata Rock by doing this workout during our regular scheduled classes

3 – 5:00 Rounds

10 – Power Cleans 135/95 lbs

12 – Burpees

14 – Box Jumps 24/20″

20 – Sit ups

Row for max distance

Rest 1 min

Once all reps are complete, use the remainder of the 5:00 minutes to Row or Run for a max distance and then rest 1 minute. The Distance completed is your score for that round. The total distance for all 3 rounds is your score for the WOD.

Her Story:

MarineWOD would like to recognize Sgt Renata Rock, born March 10, 1986 in Seattle, Washington. Sgt Rock joined the Marine Corps on December 29, 2008. She did one tour in Afghanistan on a CST (Cultural Support Team). Sgt Rock was also named the NCO of the year in 2012 by her Battalion and upon returning from her time overseas instructed Marines as part of a pre-deployment training cycle. Not only was Sgt Rock an ideal example of what a Marine should be, she was also a very driven individual when it came to fitness. She began martial arts at the age of 5 and went on to box in the Junior Regional Golden Gloves competition. This combination of being a challenge driven individual and a determined Marine made her a valued asset to any operation. Her mother Cherie Rock elaborated by saying that she was always able to find success in what she did as a Marine while maintaining an “irreverent sense of humor” with everyone she came in contact with. Marines that knew Sgt Rock described her as “a badass Marine” (Armond Johnson) and said “she was a good woman and an even better Marine” (Thomas Favreau). Unfortunately at the age of 27, Sgt Renata Rock, took her life in July of 2013. Too often do things like this happen where you find a Marine, like Sgt Rock, who personified our esprit de corps but was unable to get the help that she needed during her transition back to US soil after her time overseas. This WOD “Rock” is designed to bring awareness to this epidemic that plagues our Marine Corps, as well as the other branches of service, and to honor her with a WOD worthy of the name “Rock”!

C-Note 599
3Dee 916
Cori 889
Jeff 1350
Steph 884
Heather 603
Vicki 1174
Razor 455
CQ 976
Miriam 552
Susana 968
David 1256
Justin 218
Donna 1040
Sean 1546
Alissa 950
Guru 720
Bull 917
Vince 746
Danny 456
Andrew 771
Les 323
D 803
Stacey 424
John 250
Carmen 881
Roberto 1049
Jess 946
Carla 492
Jessica 488
Teresa 365

Isa 7+14


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