Thursday 5/21/2015 WOD

3-3-2-2-1-2-4-6 of bench press



Start at 50% of your 1 rep max
at 40 past the hour
10-9-8-7….1 of:
Kettlebell snatches, each arm (16/24)
Wall balls (14/24)
EMOM for the duration of your workout you must perform 3 box jumps (20/24)
Warm up:
500 meter row
Old stretch
Shoulder mobility
Kettlebell skill
Tyler 10:15
Jeff 10:41
Heather 10:47
Jamie 11:16 sc
Karen 13:28 sc
Christy 13:34 sc
Jess 11:13 mod
Mensch 9:23 sc
T2 12:38 sc
KK 16:44 sc
Juarez 15:46 sc
Otter 15:40 sc
Ruth 13:56 sc
Drew 15:58 sc
Kristen 14:28 sc
Yess 19:47 sc
Jackie T 12:00
Alissa 12:40 sc
Vicki 12:12 mod
Jessica 12:40 sc
Guru 10:55 sc
Adrian 11:25 sc

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