Monday, 1/18/2016

Burpee Strong: 83 



Partner EMOM for 10 minutes of:
3 position clean (35/45)
Each partner will have 30 seconds to perform the 3 lifts (The purpose of this EMOM is for partners to help each other by observing and offer cues)
at 40 past the hour
5 rounds of:
5 power cleans (95/135)
10 front rack lunges, total (65/95)
15 calorie row/ air dyme or 200 meter run
Randy 12:36
Luis 14:40
D 14:52
Kim 15:36
Bill 16:52
C-Note 17:28
Razor 18:03
Steph 12:36
Jess 18:13
D 15:53
Verito 17:58
Z 18:42
Raisa 19:51
Lylie 20:27
Herman 16:38
Susan 18:43
Jill 17:05
Juarez 14:45
Amanda 15:40
O’Malley 13:36
JMac 18:34
Andrew 16:20
Roberto 14:57
Alec 19:47
Miriam 16:55
Carmen 17:06
Vero 17:06
CQ 18:47
Vicki 16:41
Alma 16:09
Esdrel 14:21

Comp Prep
T2 2:59
Stacey 5:06
Alissa ?

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