Monday, 10/27/2014 WOD

5 rounds for time of:



42 Double Unders/ 126 singles

14 Kettlebell snatches (total) 16/24

7 Ring dips

Warm up:

800 meter run

3x 20 pull overs

Old stretch

Wod specific warm up:

3 rds of

5 kb swings

5 kb snatches (each arm, ligh to workout weight)

15 double unders/ 45 singles


Otter 10:50 (16)

Roberto 11:33 (24)

Elisa 11:08 (8)

Lindsay 11:08 (10lbs)

Juarez 11:27 (16)

Phil 21:33 (16)

Anthony 9:36 (24)

Ruth 16:15 (8)

Ale 14:18 (12)

Han 12:37 (mod)

Hunter 13:30 (20)

D 14:05 (12)

Max 15:04 (16)

Stacey 14:05 (16)


Al 13:01


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