Friday, 4/16/2021

Part A:Every 5 minutes for 15 minutes (3 sets) 20-25 kettlebell/dumbbell bent over row, (use 2 kb or db light) 20 ghd sit ups Part B:7 rounds, 20 minute cap20 weighted step ups, total (medium weight)10 ring dips (if you can do ring muscle ups, use those rings and try at least 7 ring dips from up there) Every 3 minutes, starting at 03:00 1 minute...

Thursday, 4/15/2021

A. 3 rounds8 power snatch, medium heavy 70% 10 pull ups12 kettlebell deadlift, heavy (2×24/2×16) 14 single arm dumbbell push press (7 each arm), medium (50/35) 16 double unders or 42 singles B. 7 minute...

Wednesday, 4/14/2021

A. 8 rounds (30 minute cap)4 bench press, medium heavy 70% (165/115)16 pistol squats (8 each leg)24 alternating dumbbell/kettlebell snatch from the floor, light (35/25)16 weighted russian twists (15/10) (L+R= 1) (If any round takes longer than 2:30, scale down reps) B. 7 minute...

Tuesday, 4/13/2021

Part A: Every 3 minutes for 18 minutes (6 rounds)5 jerk, medium heavy 70% (155/105)1 minute plank (alternate left, right, center) Part B: AMRAP in 6 minutes of: 4 chin ups 8 push ups C. 7 minute abs
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