Monday, 10/17/2016

Halloween Costume WOD and Potluck on October 29 at 9:30 am If you plan to bring a dish/beverage to the potluck, please use the sign up sheet on the front counter. 3 sets not for time of: 1 power snatch + 2 hang squat snatch + 3 squat snatch @ 60-65% at 40 past the hour 3 rounds of: 5 overhead squats (65/95) 10 burpees over the bar 5 overhead squats (65/95) 10 knees to elbow “Maximum Level”/ Optional Finisher Power Jerk + Split Jerk – 65% x (2+1) x 2, 70% x (2+1) x 3 Times: Razor 9:41 rx Rosa 9:10 Martha 9:12 Raisa 10:12 Carla 8:46 Penny 11:34 Megan 8:43 Jordan 9:23 Kevan 11:03 Shannon 9:28 Gris 9:04 Vicki 6:23 mod Juarez 7:46 rx Herman 11:04 Ozzy 10:20 rx Stacey 8:54 rx Mauricio 12:03 Adriana 6:49 Susana 6:00 Vero 8:20 Ashley 6:58 Caileigh 15:33 Hollywood 7:06 Victor L 7:08 Nico 9:23 Ian 11:29 Rodrigo 10:04 Tere 11:49 Andrea 9:33 Other:...

Sunday, 10/16/2016

“Nutts”  Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Ethel Jane Nuttall. For time: 10 Handstand push-ups 175/250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps 25 Box jumps, 30 inch box 50 Pull-ups 100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10′ 200 Double-unders Run 400 meters with a 30lb slam ball Optional Finisher: 1 mile run/walk; 3 mile bike ride; 2000 meter row Sean Josh Roberto Alissa...

Saturday, 10/15/2016

Halloween Costume WOD and Potluck on October 29 at 9:30 am If you plan to bring a dish/beverage to the potluck, please use the sign up sheet on the front counter. 3 rounds not for time of: 5 tire flips 200 meter run at 40 past the hour: 5 rounds for time of: 10 weighted box step ups, total 15 pushups 25 double unders/ 75 singles “Optional finisher” 3 minutes of burpees Times: Sean 8:39 Vicki 12:57 CQ 14:30 Melissa 10:01 Adriana 9:37 JMac 13:16 Razor 11:54 William 10:02 Mauricio 12:12 Alberto nft Susana 10:47 Josh 6:42 Herman 14:27 Teresa 8:41 Rosa 14:34 Barbell Basics JMac Juarez William Ashley           Barbell Basics @ 10am Primer: Muscle Clean 3×3 (70-100%) Work #1: Hang Clean 3×3 (80%+) Work #2: Squat Clean 3×4...

Friday, 10/14/2016

Saturday, October 28th @ 9:30 AM  Halloween Workout and Potluck (Sign up sheet at front counter) 3 sets of: 1 power clean + 2 hang squat cleans + 3 squat cleans @ 65% of power clean at 40 past the hour 4 rounds of: 2 rope climbs 200 meter run 8 thrusters (65/95) “Ninja”/ Optimal Finisher 400 meter sled pull Times: William 14:37 Steph 14:47 rx Razor 13:27 Muricio 12:30 Miriam 16:15 rx Raisa 15:08 rx Alberto 15:23 Miguel 12:13 Rosa 12:14 Lissette 15:05 Gris 13:18 Jordan 14:16 JMac 14:27 Juarez 16:44 rx Ozzy 12:56 rx Lowell 12:05 Brian 14:32 Victor L 12:28 Alissa 14:39 Martha 16:15 Hollywood 18:30 rx Caileigh 18:48 Tere 16:25 Susana 11:24 Herman 14:17 Other: John...

Thursday, 10/13/2016

Vicki’s Birthday Workout  “Partner Workout” Buy in: 57 pullovers, prison rules (4lb med ball) then While Partner A rows 57 calories, Partner B completes 3 rounds of: 10 overhead walking lunges, prison rules (25/45) 13 deadlifts (125/185) Once both have finished, switch Partner B rows 57 calories, Partner A completes 3 rounds of: 10 overhead walking lunges, prison rules (25/45) 13 deadlifts (125/185) Buy out: 57 pullovers, prison rules (4lb med ball) Optional Finsher: 7 minute abs Times: Miriam/Martha 22:19 Razor/Raisa 23:50 Rosa/Carla 24:00 Steph/William 14:11 Alissa/Bill 14:30 Jordan 21:18 Karen/Christy 29:33 Danelle 15:11 Bull/Ozzy 17:06 Gris/Susana 18:29 Vicki/CQ 23:38 Roberto/Stacey 21:23 Cori/Victor L 20:33 Gordon/Lowell 21:12 Sean/Hollywood 17:29 Susan/Herman 27:30 Caileigh/ Vero 25:39 Tuesdays: Rochelle 9:58 Other: Guru...
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