Sunday, 5/22/2016

“Marianne”  AMRAP in 24 minutes of: 4 clean and jerks (105/155) 20 pull ups 16 wall balls (14/20) This Workout is dedicated to Marianne Provost. Marianne sadly took her own life April 24th 2016, purely due to intimidation and bullying. She was 14 years old. Her father is a member of @cfchambly in Quebec, Canada. Rounds: Jill 4+1 Roberto 4+5 CQ 5+18 Susana 5+21 Nicole 5 Jessica 5 Sean 5 (185) Other:...

Saturday, 5/21/2016

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:  3 toes to bars 3 over head squats (65/95) 6 toes to bars 6 over head squats (65/95) 9… 9,,, 12… 12… You get the idea. Rest for 3 minutes 1 mile run or 2000 meter row McC 12+20 24:16 Luke 18+10 27:59 Razor 15+3 23:30 Jessica 18+15 24:30 D 15+10 24:57 3Dee 15+34 26:48 Vicki 15+12 30:11 Juarez 15 26:32 John 18+3 26:34 Cristy 18+10 26:29 Herman 15+5 23:46 Murph: Mark 1:14...

Friday, 5/20/2016

Deadlift  5×65%; 5×70%, 4×75%, 2×3@80% at 40 past the hour: 50 deadlifts (50/75) 200 meter run 40 thrusters (50/75) 200 meter run 30 power cleans (50/75) 200 meter run 20 push press (50/75) 200 meter run 10 power snatches (50/70) 200 meter run Times: Steph 17:25 Carla 20:13 s Shane 20:23 Roberto 20:12 Susana 18:21 Vicki 19:46 Razor 23:08 Raisa 24:36 Martha 20:30 3Dee 19:33 m Stacey 22:12 D 21:56 Andrew 19:13 John 24:51 Brandon 26:25 Penny 24:24 Gris 22:55 Mark 22:01 Jill 25:12 Guru 24:26 CQ 19:08 m Yessy 27:17 Daniela 16:15 s Herman 26:15 Alissa 19:00 Rochelle...

Thursday, 5/19/2016

Back Squat 65%x5, 70%x5, 75%x4, 80%x3x2 at 40 past the hour: “Commander’s Cup” Event 2 2 rounds of: 25 over head lunges, prison rules (25/45) 25 weighted situps (20 lb slam ball) 25 box jumps (20/24) 25 kettlebell swings (16/24) 25 pushups Times: Heather 16:35 rx+ Shane 16:24 Bill 20:40 Carla 21:45 Kim 20:40 Lylie 12:34 Donna 18:50 McC 23:54 rx Diana 19:36 Penny 19:56 Verito 17:42 Vicki 19:39 Tere 20:30 Raisa 22:36 Sean 12:58 rx Susana 15:15 rx CQ 18:47 Roberto 17:11 rx Shannon 19:36 Jill 22:51 rx Bull 17:35 rx Luke 18:23 Guru 19:38 Andrew 14:21 rx Jessica 15:27 rx Intro: Nicole Other:...

Wednesday, 5/18/2016

Find your max set of pullups in 1 minute (rest for 1 minute) Find your max set of pushups in 1 minute at 35 past the hour: “Running Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 of: Double unders/ triple the singles Situps *Run 400 meters after situps Times: Shane 22:42 Heather 19:42 Bull 21:40 Jill 22:26 Marie 15:22 mod McC 21:22 Raisa 29:57 Gris 24:00 D 23:01 Jessica 21:39 Andrew 23:46 Marlene 33:23 Jessi 27:58 Stacey 26:29 Susana 21:39 Rochelle 23:47 Other: Vicki Yoga: Ashley Jessy Susan...
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