Wendnesday, 3/18/2015 WOD

Day 58 of the 100 day burpee challenge

EMOM for 10 minutes of:



3 deadlifts @70% of your 1 rep max

at the 15 minute mark

21-15-9 of:

ring rows


Warm up:

500 meter row

Old stretch

5 single leg raise with core activation

3×5 kb swings

Wod specific warmup:

4×3 deadlift (light to workout weight)

Jeff 3:42 (back squat)

Lydia 6:04 (95)

Z 5:33 (105)

Cristy 4:28 (160)

Jess 7:03 (135)

Ivonne 6:36 (95)

Adriana 3:45 (185)

Veronica 5:43 (105+)

Elisa 5:40 (115)

Kayla 4:44 (105)

Q 8:03 (105)

KK 7:42 (145)

Kristen 5:51 (125)

D 5:45 (145)

McC 4:40 (205)

Otter 5:16 (235)

Stacey 5:48 (185)

Lindsay 3:08 (gimpy)

Vince 5:31 (165)

Caileigh 8:14 (105)

Yess 6:31 (125)

Hollywood 6:20 (165)

Chris nft (135)

Herman 5:00 (135)

Susan 7:51 (95)

Cait 6:25 (125)

Shaira 5:21 (185)



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